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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2009, 09:49 PM
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Stupid Travel Questions

OK...I probably should know this, but I don't. If I take my Sprint Hero to Europe, will the stock HTC clock update via wifi from whatever country I'm in? Will GPS work in Europe? I don't have a VOIP voice system set up, so I know talking is out at this point, but I can use email, Google Talk. Any good non-CDMA travel tips are apppreciated!! Actually, my parents are going to Belgium in April and I think I'm going to get them a Sprint Hero (like mine!) for Christmas, since their current Samsung flip phone is totally unusable in Europe. Thanks!!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2009, 02:41 AM
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Re: Stupid Travel Questions

Originally Posted by ww3kc View Post
OK...I probably should know this, but I don't. If I take my Sprint Hero to Europe, will the stock HTC clock update via wifi from whatever country I'm in? Will GPS work in Europe? I don't have a VOIP voice system set up, so I know talking is out at this point, but I can use email, Google Talk. Any good non-CDMA travel tips are apppreciated!! Actually, my parents are going to Belgium in April and I think I'm going to get them a Sprint Hero (like mine!) for Christmas, since their current Samsung flip phone is totally unusable in Europe. Thanks!!
I don't know about wifi, but you can set the clock to any city you'd like.

GPS will work if you can get a lock, problem is you won't have data unless its wifi so you'll need a sd card nav app, copilot is only one I know of.

Get SKYPE and Fring, that is a great setup for voip.

Gmail will work, but not HTC's app I don't think (it didn't before update I don't know about now)

I recommend a $10 unlocked gsm phone and getting a sim while you are there. They were $25 in Jamaica for unlimited calling for 7 days, my phone was 2 dollars per minute!! Otherwise use WiFi and Voip for a flawless system. Oh, skype is about .02 to .80 cents a minute abroad so you will have to pay for it when it is overseas.
On On U of K!!!! Sammy GS4 - ATT - Clean Rom - Xposed Mod
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