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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2008, 10:33 PM
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Pocket PC: Cingular 8525
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Noob Questions

I was given A Cingular 8525 recently and have been using it just as a PDA till tonight when I activated it as a go Phone to see if I would like to use it permenently. I have a few questions about this unit I hope someone can help me with. In no particular order...

currently I get about 1 day of use before the battery dies, will enabling the phone cut this dramaticly? ( and if I bought a new battery could I expect a much longer life?)

I HATE the Power button, is there some way to program it to be held for 10 seconds or something before turning on the device? I keep it in my front pants pocket with everything else ( yes- its beat up) and the stinking power button always manages to get turned on and then all sorts of programs get running. When I took it out of my pocket the other day it was 1 click away from a low level format of the storage card. this also is killing my battery life. any suggestions?

on the phone section, under 'services' it says voice mail and text, what are these boxes for?

in the same general area, there is an option to require a pin to use the phone, I think I would like to turn this on but it asks for the old PIN which I dont know. is there a way to reset this so I can add my own pin? ( I have done a hard reset, but that doest affect this option i guess) - also there is a Pin2 option for the sim card, which I have replaced but again it asks for the old pin, which there isnt one. What should I enter?

is there a way to have ALL internet connections 100% of the time use wireless (Wifi) if available, and if its not just fail? I thought I had it set to use wireless, but sometimes it still tries to connect through the phone line.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2008, 02:23 PM
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Re: Noob Questions

Yes.. Enabling phone will kill the battery quicker, since this will consume battery power... Yes.. Buying a new battery could extend battery life... If you already have a fairly new battery, then maybe not... You could always buy an extended battery...

To extend it to 10 seconds, there might be a registry hack.. Check this forum out and post a question there asking about it... You could always remove the battery and put it in when you wanted to turn the phone on...

The voicemail setting is to "delete voice mail messages and clear the voicemail icon from your homescreen."

I do not know about how to retrieve an old pin, other then to Hard Reset the phone.. If you already did this, and it still shows up, I don't know... Try inserting 0000 or just try inserting your own PIN...

There is a registry edit that enables Wi-Fi only connections.. I can't find it... Try searching in that forum I listed above... You may find something to fix this...

Oh... And welcome to PPC Geeks... A wealth of knowledge is at your fingertips.. I recommend you join the Coz Boogie Militia.. Go here for more info on it..

To give thanks, you can click also... Happy to help you... And GOOD LUCK!
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > General Windows Mobile Discussions > Legacy WM Devices > HTC Hermes

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