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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2010, 09:59 PM
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Unhappy True pinch to zoom!!! "NO REALLY" true pinch to ZOOM!

I really would like to know the "reg edit" to put for programs to get the true pinch to zoom like in google maps, HTC photo album & opera I really would lije to add true pinch to zoom to my (BING) app but using those pinch to zoom apps leaves a little window after you pinch to zoom and you have to move whatever you zoomed in on with the little window instead of whatever you really need to move (THIS REALLY SUCKS) ex. When I pinch to zoom in google maps I can just move the maps by finger gester. Now with a program like zoomer or = without true pinch to zoom in the bing app after I pinch to zoom I can't move the map by finger gester I have to move it with the little window that pops up after zooming in on the map which is really dumb and there is a way to add apps to the real pinch to zoom registry but don't know how... So please can someone tell me, show me how it can be done I will be very grateful and THANKS in advance.
In the registry for pinch to zoom you will see to parts the part where the real pinch to zoom apps are like google maps and opera are and you will see the other part where the pinch to zoom with the window apps go how do I get my app up to the real pinch to zoom part??? Please help me
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2010, 03:12 PM
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Re: True pinch to zoom!!! "NO REALLY" true pinch to ZOOM!

Originally Posted by swurvv View Post
I really would like to know the "reg edit" to put for programs to get the true pinch to zoom like in google maps, HTC photo album & opera I really would lije to add true pinch to zoom to my (BING) app but using those pinch to zoom apps leaves a little window after you pinch to zoom and you have to move whatever you zoomed in on with the little window instead of whatever you really need to move (THIS REALLY SUCKS) ex. When I pinch to zoom in google maps I can just move the maps by finger gester. Now with a program like zoomer or = without true pinch to zoom in the bing app after I pinch to zoom I can't move the map by finger gester I have to move it with the little window that pops up after zooming in on the map which is really dumb and there is a way to add apps to the real pinch to zoom registry but don't know how... So please can someone tell me, show me how it can be done I will be very grateful and THANKS in advance.
In the registry for pinch to zoom you will see to parts the part where the real pinch to zoom apps are like google maps and opera are and you will see the other part where the pinch to zoom with the window apps go how do I get my app up to the real pinch to zoom part??? Please help me

You obviously have very little experience writing code or developing software. An app like this is very complex as you can imagine, you're better off going to XDA-Developers.com and requesting the app there. However this app has been requested many times by many people and a lot of people will get mad at tell u to **** off and use the search.

What you're asking for is essentially un-necessary and overly complicated, which is why nobody has made something like it.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2010, 06:37 PM
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Re: True pinch to zoom!!! "NO REALLY" true pinch to ZOOM!

mix in some punctuation ftw.

you could always just run Android, that's got some good PTZ drivers
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