Originally Posted by zim2323
The information is only redundant to someone whos aware, I was not aware of this service when I purchased my phone. Being a new customer to Tmobile, and having bought my phone at radio shack I was not made aware of this one service. Maybe the representative forgot or simply did not know. Therefore since I did not know, and this is a forum to share ideas and information my information is not redundant. And just maybe

some one else who did not know may benefit from this information.
Originally Posted by zim2323
Or I could not have been sarcastic and just said that. LOL
And second, I obviously already know this information as I am the one who posted it, and included a link to for more information regarding the subject under "News Release". In your effort at sarcasm, you must have missed my question so Ill post it in bold since you seem to know so much information.
"Has any one used this service, are there any users that have not yet flashed that can post a link? I fly out next Monday to Tampa and then back home a week later. I would love to use this"
I'm sure you can gather that I already flashed my HD2, and I no longer have this URL in my favorites, as the quote clearly states. Help over sarcasm would be much more appreciated. Thank you.