I think it is funny how often rumors pop up for an HD3 running WP7 with specs that are not even compatible with WP7. The specs of this rumored device are sure far fetched and even very slightly possible, however if you look at the specs to meet WP7 you will see that this device has exceeded the specs and would not be compatible (such as the resolution, WP7 will only support WVGA at launch and possibly a smaller resolution down the road)
Current Device: HTC HD2 Wife myTouch 3G & Touch Pro2 for SALE ~ ROM - Energy 6.5.X Series Wife .... in process of Rooting and finding a good 2.1 base with Sense 2.0 ROM ~ Carrier - T-Mobile ~ Memory Card - 16GB SanDisk soon to be 32 GB SanDisk
The phone does fit the design that winmo says all 7 series phones will be but we won't know the truth til it happens. I'm still on the fence how I feel about 7 so I can take the time to figure out what I want to do lol.
If winmo7 turns out like Vista, 2000 or ME, then count me out! There is sure to be a winmo8 after the v7 arrives and all the bugs get worked out. From what I keep reading v7 is a complete re-write.