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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2010, 07:17 PM
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Re: Don't buy the HD2 or you will be sorry!

i got my hd2 and have been running for about a day now and im loving the huge screen which makes typing simple and easy to do. on top of that the clarity on transformers and any other screen is just pure amazing! the crispness and the speed of the device is unbeaten by any other ppc hacked or not. the sound quality has been fine on my side thus far through t-mobile and couldnt ask for anything more. the device is great and a must get, i left verizon for this and cant be happier with the great performance!
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2010, 07:29 PM
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Talking Re: Don't buy the HD2 or you will be sorry!

Originally Posted by bennysangel View Post
NO, you don't get it. I have excellent voice quality and I have had TMobile for 5 years. Never get dropped call and I can hear perfect...not tone death. Sprint on the other hand sucks....dropped calls you name it.
NO, you don't get it. I have excellent voice quality and I have had SPRINT for 9 years. Never get dropped call and I can hear perfect...not tone death. (Your Carrier) on the other hand sucks....dropped calls you name it.

I love playing these "Your Carrier Sucks, Mine Rox" games. I know, childish.

** EDIT: To stay on topic ** I doubt the quality issue was the phone also. I know issues can pop up on various phones as technology is not perfect 100% of the time but the sound quality on HTC phones tend to be pretty good. Local service is most likely the culprit. I checked out an HD2 at a T-mo kiosk and that is a sweet piece of kit. Makes me even more anxious for the EVO release on Sprint. **jealous**

Last edited by coppertop24; 04-02-2010 at 07:38 PM.
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2010, 09:01 PM
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Re: Don't buy the HD2 or you will be sorry!

Originally Posted by D/\SH View Post
i got my hd2 and have been running for about a day now and im loving the huge screen which makes typing simple and easy to do. on top of that the clarity on transformers and any other screen is just pure amazing! the crispness and the speed of the device is unbeaten by any other ppc hacked or not. the sound quality has been fine on my side thus far through t-mobile and couldnt ask for anything more. the device is great and a must get, i left verizon for this and cant be happier with the great performance!
Glad to see you were able to get a HD2 also. I have had my HD2 since morning day 1 and loving it.
Current Device: HTC HD2 Wife myTouch 3G & Touch Pro2 for SALE ~ ROM - Energy 6.5.X Series Wife .... in process of Rooting and finding a good 2.1 base with Sense 2.0 ROM ~ Carrier - T-Mobile ~ Memory Card - 16GB SanDisk soon to be 32 GB SanDisk
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2010, 12:47 AM
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Re: Don't buy the HD2 or you will be sorry!

Well everyone has diff opinions about the carrier, been with tmo since voice stream, right now on granpa plan of some kind special discount promotion so im lovin it..also could add that im a truck driver, been all over east coast and west coast, but since i have had my share of dropped calls and dead zones in wyoming and utah mountains, it happens with every carrier, got dead zones with my verizon prepaid too and tmo worked there. All i can say im sticking with tmo, if call drops that means i will have a smoke and call him later keep rockin your carriers, love HD2 tho
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