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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2010, 12:58 AM
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Thinking about switching from Verizon to T-Mobile ....

I am thinking about switching to T-Mobile and getting the HD2. I wan to test out the network in the mean time to make sure the coverage and Data speed are up to my standards. I am just wondering what device I should use until Wednesday to test out the network? I am debating between the My Touch 2G, Behold II, and the Cliq or Cliq XT. I really don't have much knowledge in any of them and I have done some comparison and research but was just wondering if anyone had any suggestion on what device to use until I am able to purchase an HD2. Any info or suggestion would be nice because I am going to go into T-Mobile tomorrow afternoon to get a device to use until Wednesday.
Current Device: HTC HD2 Wife myTouch 3G & Touch Pro2 for SALE ~ ROM - Energy 6.5.X Series Wife .... in process of Rooting and finding a good 2.1 base with Sense 2.0 ROM ~ Carrier - T-Mobile ~ Memory Card - 16GB SanDisk soon to be 32 GB SanDisk
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2010, 10:27 AM
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Re: Thinking about switching from Verizon to T-Mobile ....

All the devices you listed are 3g so you would be getting the same data speeds as the HD2 will. I'm currently using a MyTouch and like the way it functions for the most part. Being that it is all touchscreen it can help with the transition to having no keyboard if your used to having one. The Cliq XT just came out last week so I haven't been given any feedback from customers yet but I do know that the cliq is the most popular android device for TMo these days.
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Old 03-21-2010, 10:32 AM
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Re: Thinking about switching from Verizon to T-Mobile ....

That would be a good plan. You would save some cash by switching to their plan, and I'm thinking RadioShack will have the HD2 on wednesday for $150 out the door! That's when I'm grabing mine, I'm just not happy with the whole android thing and tmobiles cliq.
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2010, 02:55 PM
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Re: Thinking about switching from Verizon to T-Mobile ....

Thanks for the advice guys .... I am leaning towards the My Touch 3G basically because I don't like the skinned Android and I am familiar with Android with using it on my Touch Pro2. I am going into the store later today and gonna pick one up most likely so that I can make sure the service is up to standards around me before I exchange it for the HD2 on Wednesday.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2010, 03:34 PM
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Re: Thinking about switching from Verizon to T-Mobile ....

Originally Posted by lwrdrchvy2 View Post
All the devices you listed are 3g so you would be getting the same data speeds as the HD2 will. I'm currently using a MyTouch and like the way it functions for the most part. Being that it is all touchscreen it can help with the transition to having no keyboard if your used to having one. The Cliq XT just came out last week so I haven't been given any feedback from customers yet but I do know that the cliq is the most popular android device for TMo these days.

What kind of speeds thould these phones be getting on average
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2010, 12:46 PM
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Re: Thinking about switching from Verizon to T-Mobile ....

Originally Posted by RKnight View Post
Thanks for the advice guys .... I am leaning towards the My Touch 3G basically because I don't like the skinned Android and I am familiar with Android with using it on my Touch Pro2. I am going into the store later today and gonna pick one up most likely so that I can make sure the service is up to standards around me before I exchange it for the HD2 on Wednesday.
the behold II runs android with a nicer UI than the mytouch, fyi, looks like a nice phone. the mytouch is easier to root and they have more ROMs tho
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