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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 11:32 AM
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HTC HD2 Downfalll??? Is there one?

Hey guys.

I am looking to buy the phone for work. I will be using the active sync with exchange server 2007. If the people that own one could leave me a little bit of hands on feed back on what they dont like about the phone or glitches that they find. I personally think the phone must rock but dont know till i have it in my hands and never let go .

Thanks in advance for the replies.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 08:06 PM
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Re: HTC HD2 Downfalll??? Is there one?

The only downfall I can personally see is battery life, but that should be no worse that any average smartphone. So if you rely on your phone heavily for work, buy a spare battery and charger and you'll still be good.

The only other thing I can see is the size etc, it may be too big for some, but that's a personal choice. Check out videos on youtube etc to get a sense of exactly how big it is in the hand. For me, the size is manageable.

For connectivity and Exchange etc, the windows experience is unbeatable imo.

I guess the point is that I don't really see any major downfall
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