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Old 09-15-2007, 12:53 AM
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Hard Reset HTC Excalibur

This can be tricky, So I know from trial and error, Since there are not many guides out there that explain in detail on how to do this, with this particular device, I have decided to go ahead and make one up for you guys.

Here are the steps:

Step One:

Preform power down *Hold the power button* Till the phone is 100% powered down and all you see is a black screen

*keep in mind if your device is plugged into a power source or computer link this will not work!*

Step Two:

(Use both hands while doing this it will be much easier!)
Place 1 finger on each of the Soft keys.

Step Three:

Press the power Button and hold for no more than 2 sec well holding the two soft keys (do not hold the power button till the phone turns on) ONLY PRESS THE POWER BUTTON DO NOT TURN THE PHONE ON. After pressing the power key keep your fingers on the Two Soft keys until you see a the phone turn on and a black screen come up with white writing. Once you see this screen Press the Green Send key and there you go you have just performed a hard reset on the T-Mobile dash without using the settings screen on the phone.
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