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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2011, 05:48 PM
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Question Question for all you...

Evo Shift 4G users whos previous phone was the Sprint Touch Pro2!

Whats your thoughts?

A keyboard is basically mandatory for me so this was the next thing I was looking to jump to, DualCore or not, from what I have read around here the 2nd gen Snapdragon does better then the Evo's first gen one even at 200mhz slower!

Also, anyone had any experience with PS1/2 Emulators? How would you say it performs performance wise.
Selling my (still) BNIB Sprint TP2, and loving Android on my HD2 on SimpleMobile!
My old DreamPhone thread that was here is now obsolete: http://www.samsung.com/global/micros...note/spec.html

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2011, 07:42 PM
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Re: Question for all you...

So I came from the TP2 (after a brief stint with the 7pro) and am very happy. I've had a couple of minor complaints which are here: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/htc-evo-sh...preciated.html

But over all LOVE the phone. I too was worried about the processor speed, almost went with the epic for that reason, but I've been really happy with HTC in the past and wanted to stay with them. Haven't had any complaints about the speed, but I haven't really had anything to compare it to except for the TP2. Also, you can use your TP2 battery in the shift.

If you liked your TP2, I think you'll like this one too.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2011, 09:01 AM
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Re: Question for all you...

I too came to Android from a TP2 using MightyROM's custom ROMS so that I could basically get better battery life.

I first went to the EVO and like you, thought that a keyboard was mandatory, so much that when the Shift came out I switched. I am here to tell you that you too can get over the need for a physical keyboard. I have the shift now and use it a couple of times per month.

With the Capacitive Screen technology the EVO and Shift has, versus the Reactive Screen technology of the TP2, the need to have a physical keyboard in my opinion goes away. The Capacitive Screens, along with the multitouch on screen keyboards, which simply means you can type faster by being able to hit more than one key at time, have proven to me that I really don't need a physical keyboard. I just had to force myself to try something new and basically let go of my physical keyboard security blanket so to speak. I am being honest when I tell you that it took me a month or two with the EVO to get used to it, and I cursed myself for making the jump, but the benefits the EVO offered over the TP2 slowly started to outweigh that darn physical keyboard.

When the Shift was announced, I was happy because I could keep the Android OS I had grown to love, AND get my Physical Keyboard (PK) back. I was very happy to find out that the 800 MHz 2nd Generation processor the shift had, was faster than the 1st generation 1000 MHz processor the EVO and Epic had.

There is a marketplace free app called Quadrant Benchmark that proves the Shift hands down beats them all.

I love my shift and was happy to find when I stopped by a Sprint store to check out the HTC Arrive WM7 phone, that it was cheap feeling. I did however like the auto flip up (angled) screen, but it just felt like less of a phone. I am an Android guy now, and can say that because I have tried the all. The only difference between me and someone who "loves" the Windows Mobile OS, is that the WM OS users pretty much only know that OS, and if they opened their mind and moved to Android, they more than likely would not go back to WM.

Battery life is great, while I will admit there are a few tweaks that have to be done to best optimize the battery life, but a far cry from the days of having to used a cooked ROM that someone had to put together to fix all the crap that Microsoft did or didn't do to their OS out of the box.

I say go for Android and don't look back. I have a preference towards HTC devices myself.

Hope this helps!

Originally Posted by Kane3162 View Post
Evo Shift 4G users whos previous phone was the Sprint Touch Pro2!

Whats your thoughts?

A keyboard is basically mandatory for me so this was the next thing I was looking to jump to, DualCore or not, from what I have read around here the 2nd gen Snapdragon does better then the Evo's first gen one even at 200mhz slower!

Also, anyone had any experience with PS1/2 Emulators? How would you say it performs performance wise.
Carrier: Sprint | HTC EVO 4G LTE

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2011, 01:02 PM
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Re: Question for all you...

Shift is way better than the TP2 in all aspects except the screen tilt.....
I miss the tilt feature!

I like the keyboard slighty better than the tp2
HTC made the space bar the sym button which is an annoyance
Since there is no dedicated numbr key row, you hit Function twice to number lock and if you have to any space between numbers you have to hit FN to turn of the lock and then relock to add numbers after the space....

I played a couple of games of super tecmo bowl on snesoid and it was fine but I never tried any ps emu's....

I still use my tp2 as a gps device connected thru my shift....

Last edited by MinLo; 05-05-2011 at 01:05 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2011, 01:06 PM
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Re: Question for all you...

I came from the TP2 and went with the sexyness of the 4.3" EVO.
However... I did get my wife the EVO Shift and she came from my old TP and then my old TP2. She ABSOLUTELY loves it. And I am extremely jealous of her battery life.
You can't go wrong with that little animal.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2011, 01:37 PM
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Re: Question for all you...

I went from TP2 to an Evo, and now the Shift..Battery life on the Shift is much better than the Evo's..The 2nd gen Snapdragon is far better than the 1st gen even at 200mhz slower. Not to mention that the Evo's max OC speed was 1.2mhz and my Shift can OC way up to 1.8...not stable I may add, lol..but it does OC to 1.5mhz with zero issues..Even with no overclocking I can still get a higher benchmark than I ever could with my Evo.

"I am Mulhiny and I am a flasher"..wmdunn
"I am Mulhiny and I'm a phone junkie"..Riley
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2011, 04:27 PM
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Re: Question for all you...

Came from the TP2 running NRG Roms, and OC'd to 729mHz. LOVED that phone with the NRG Roms, faster than out the box. Plus all the rom features, made it good. But, when I heard about the EVO Shift 4G ( Android + physical keyboad + HTC ) I had to have it. My wife had the Hero, and it was at least on par if not better than myTP2. But I can't do without the keyboaard. The Shift is awesome. Even out of the box it faster than most phones, even the EVO. But this little BEAST really come life after you customize. Mine is rooted, OC'd to 1.6gHz (1.8gHz ondemand stable for days lowered for logevity) ondemand. Running MikShift v1.1 Rom. MikBrando Black and Green theme. Love this phone way more than my TP2. That's saying something.
HTC EVO Shift 4G

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