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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-29-2011, 02:04 PM
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Cannot MMS, HELP!

Having massive problems with my MMS. Can not receive any texted media, nor send.

Whenever I try to send a picture text I get the error under Notifications "Unable to send Message after m..." (cannot read the rest). Then under that it reads "Service denied."

I have scoured many forms and spend an hour or so with google to no avail. It seems like most other people with MMS problems are network related and throw a different error message.

I rooted my phone the first day I got it, and the mms has never worked.

Am I the ONLY one who has had this problem?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2011, 01:41 PM
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Re: Cannot MMS, HELP!

Since you're rooted, have you tried another ROM or kernel? I would at least back up and clear data..My MMS has always worked fine and this doesn't seem to be wide spread, so that would rule out any network issue..Must be your phone.

"I am Mulhiny and I am a flasher"..wmdunn
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2011, 01:57 AM
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Re: Cannot MMS, HELP!

Didn't say, so don't know if you tried this already. But, how about a hard reset? Another thing is did you ever MMS before rooting? I believe the system has to set up before you MMS & data. If you rooted before it ever got a chance to set up that might be the issue. Happened to me back in the HERO days. Does your data work with no issues? Are you running the Stock Sence Rom? If all else fails might want to try RUU back to stock, see if that fixes the issue. Then you can go from there.
HTC EVO Shift 4G

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2011, 06:11 PM
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Re: Cannot MMS, HELP!

are you on sprint? I have my shift on boost, and had problems with mms, but went into epst settings, and changed the mmsc to boost settings, and its all good! I also have CM7 on my phone, and had problems with mms on that rom, mainly because I could not access epst(sprint rom only), but was able to get it working using go mms pro... i also later found out you can access APN settings through voice dialer, just say "APN", and you can acess those settings. I worked on this for days, and am now happy to have MMS fully working! hope that helps
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