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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2011, 02:50 PM
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Re: SSSLLLOOOWWW tethering speeds

We had this problem yesterday with my wife's brand new EVO.

Downloaded the Speedtest.net app for Android on both my EVO Shift, and her EVO.

Sitting side by side, her EVO was averaging 133kbs, my EVO Shift was averaging 1,650kbs and is incredibly fast when tethering.

So today I took it in to the Sprint store where we bought the phone and told them there was something horribly wrong with the data on her phone. I showed the rep the speedtest results on both devices and he said he would reset the data on the phone.

He did something that required the MSL, and when he handed the phone back to me it was going through data provisioning and checking for PRL and Firmware updates.

Once it finished booting, ran the speed test again. Now it's pushing 1,000kbs or better.

Might want to venture back in to your Sprint store and see if they will reset your data for you.
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