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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2011, 07:02 PM
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List of issues, any solutions?

(cross posted at xda)

Cause I'm about to return this thing.

Software/OS wise:

- I guess this is an Android "thing", but the phone is constanly launching random programs in the background that I had nothing to do with, and it noticeably slows the phone down. If I see Sense stuttering, I'll run ATK, kill the dozen or so random things thta somehow launched all by themselves, and the phone is snappy again. Today I was typing a text message, and the phone was so slow, it was only registering one character every 5 seconds or so in the message. I went tho ATK, a whole shitload of random stuff was running, I killed it all, text messaging goes back to normal. How can you use an OS that randomly launches apps that degrade system performance? And as far as I can tell there's no way to remove the apps, or keep them from randomly launching on thier own in the background. I thought Android apps running in the background were supposed to not use any resources? But these a re having a noticible impact, clear as day. Sluggish UI, run ATK, kill the apps, silky smooth UI.

- I despise threaded SMS and you can't turn it off.

- I hate the little gray faces in the people list, and you can't turn them off

- Don't like the transparent folder backgrounds, and you can't do anything about it.

Hardware wise:
- The volume rocker is in a terrible positoin and is way to easy to accidentally hit. And apparently you need root to do anything about by remapping the keys

- If the phone is locked, sliding out the keyboard just a little bit wakes up the phone unlocked. andthen when trying to slide the KB back in you end up hitting buttons and hittingthe volume rocker, it's just annoying

- Suffers from the iPhone 4 "holding the phone in your righthand cuts your signal strength by 3 bars" problem

I mean, by themselves, none of these is a huge deal (except the OS slowing itself to a crawl, WTF is up with that?), but add them all up, on tp of the fact I'm paying $30 more a month over my Mogul, and I think this thing is going back to the Sprint store this weekend.

Kinda shocking that 5 years later the latest Androis phone still can;t match my Mogul in terms of useability.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2011, 07:11 PM
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Re: List of issues, any solutions?

I haven't experienced any slowdowns; what programs started themselves in the background? Never had sluggish response yet, but I'm pretty minimalist having learned from 5 years of Windows Mobile.

- also despise threaded SMS messaging, but come on...you knew the writing was on the wall for us classic SMS folks. I think we are the last two on earth.

- you have folders?

- yes, volume rocker is in a terrible position. I'm getting used to it but last night when I was trying to quietly use the phone in bed I hit the rocker by mistake and didn't realize I was holding it down when the Shift started vibrating non-stop. Woke up the wife...not my best moment, there.

Coming from a TP2, this has been an adjustment of epic proportions. Yes, there are things my HTC Apache could do in 2005 that Android simply cannot handle. But it does other things exceedingly well. Using the browser is actually a pleasure, once you get past the constant need to zoom in and out to see things.

I guess I have no solutions for you, though others might. The absolute biggest gripes I had - the phone remaining unlocked after a phone call and the lack of voice dial confirmation - I've both managed to solve. Everything else I'm getting used to.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2011, 09:38 PM
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Re: List of issues, any solutions?

the only thing i can think of for the OP is to just get another phone that suits your needs
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2011, 11:26 PM
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Re: List of issues, any solutions?

How the hell do you remove the micro sd card? We only get 2GB? I could of sworn that I saw 16GB in one of those preview videos.
PPC HISTORY- Apache--Mogul--Vogue--Diamond--Touch Pro--Touch Pro2--Epic 4G--Evo Shift 4G
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2011, 01:05 AM
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Re: List of issues, any solutions?

You pop the battery out, pull up/out on the little black tab, and the SD card pops up. Gently pull it out. I put an 8GB card in there from my TP2. As someone else pointed out, ironically it comes with a Samsung card. I suspect if HTC ever gives us Gingerbread anyone who left the Sammy SD card in their phone won't be able to update. Man, I hold a grudge.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2011, 01:10 PM
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Re: List of issues, any solutions?

Originally Posted by emkorial View Post
(cross posted at xda)

Cause I'm about to return this thing.

Software/OS wise:

- I guess this is an Android "thing", but the phone is constanly launching random programs in the background that I had nothing to do with, and it noticeably slows the phone down. If I see Sense stuttering, I'll run ATK, kill the dozen or so random things thta somehow launched all by themselves, and the phone is snappy again. Today I was typing a text message, and the phone was so slow, it was only registering one character every 5 seconds or so in the message. I went tho ATK, a whole shitload of random stuff was running, I killed it all, text messaging goes back to normal. How can you use an OS that randomly launches apps that degrade system performance? And as far as I can tell there's no way to remove the apps, or keep them from randomly launching on thier own in the background. I thought Android apps running in the background were supposed to not use any resources? But these a re having a noticible impact, clear as day. Sluggish UI, run ATK, kill the apps, silky smooth UI.

- I despise threaded SMS and you can't turn it off.

- I hate the little gray faces in the people list, and you can't turn them off

- Don't like the transparent folder backgrounds, and you can't do anything about it.

Hardware wise:
- The volume rocker is in a terrible positoin and is way to easy to accidentally hit. And apparently you need root to do anything about by remapping the keys

- If the phone is locked, sliding out the keyboard just a little bit wakes up the phone unlocked. andthen when trying to slide the KB back in you end up hitting buttons and hittingthe volume rocker, it's just annoying

- Suffers from the iPhone 4 "holding the phone in your righthand cuts your signal strength by 3 bars" problem

I mean, by themselves, none of these is a huge deal (except the OS slowing itself to a crawl, WTF is up with that?), but add them all up, on tp of the fact I'm paying $30 more a month over my Mogul, and I think this thing is going back to the Sprint store this weekend.

Kinda shocking that 5 years later the latest Androis phone still can;t match my Mogul in terms of useability.

I would run ATK. Android does it's own management. My Shift ran slow at first but eventually everything evened out. ATK tends to make both the Evo and Evo Shift run slower overall.

Mine doesn't suffer from the iPhone reception problem you listed either.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2011, 04:34 AM
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Re: List of issues, any solutions?

Is there some kind of file explorer to help navigate thru my sd card files? thank u.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2011, 03:00 PM
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Re: List of issues, any solutions?

I use ES file explorer from the market. Seems to work pretty nicely. it's the only one I've tried, though.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2011, 11:30 PM
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Re: List of issues, any solutions?

Originally Posted by dizidi View Post
Is there some kind of file explorer to help navigate thru my sd card files? thank u.
Astro File manager is great too

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2011, 12:28 AM
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Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-us; Sprint APA7373KT Build/FRF91) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

I think the OP is experiencing a bit of the placebo effect because I have not seen this phone slow down once, even with 26 tasks showing in ATK. I've mostly stopped using ATK because of what I've read and I think my phone is actually running better.
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