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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2011, 03:03 AM
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Evo Shift & Evo

I am wanting to trade my EVO for this phone im in dying need of a keyboard! Anybody for the taking? PM me!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2011, 12:33 PM
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Re: Evo Shift & Evo


I own a HTC Evo and wanted to do the same thing as well, I ordered the Shift on Sunday and received it yesterday. I miss having a keyboard that I had on my HTC Touch Pro 2. When I opened it up and fired it up, within five minutes I put it back in box and returning it today. The keyboard feels cheap, the sliding screen is not spring loaded and you can push the volume rocker opening the screen to get to the keyboard. Also for some odd reason the slide made a squeaky noise like it was something you would find in a haunted house. I would say wait a bit, they should be announcing a HTC Evo2 I assume soon. As well they are bringing the WM7 phones to Sprint soon as well. If it WM7 is any good I might go back to it, if not I'll just wait for the next version of Evo. Just IMO.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2011, 12:40 PM
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Re: Evo Shift & Evo

I got the EVO Shift for my wife... She had the TP and the TP2 before that... She ABSOLUTELY Loves!!!! that phone. Including the Keyboard.
I've played with it and can say that it's not for me... And it may not be for everyone... But it's pretty sweet. The keyboard is nice... Not as spaced out as the TP2 but not as cramped as the TP. If you're considering it... Go check it out in person.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2011, 12:48 PM
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Re: Evo Shift & Evo

i hated the spring loaded keyboard. that was the worst thing on the HTC touch pro 2. i am glad they got ruin of it. that was a step up on there game
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2011, 02:00 PM
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Re: Evo Shift & Evo

Yea it is a step up if only they didn't put the volume rocker on the side you usually push the keyboard out with. As well as if when I received it the slide creeks when you move it out. Maybe I was being shallow with it, but the buttons felt so much better on the TP2. I agree with AZTECHKA, I would just recommend checking it out in person. Just for the HTC they have had some bad quality products as well as good ones. To me it sits on the 50-75% range of quality, 100% being the best.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2011, 07:12 PM
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Re: Evo Shift & Evo

Originally Posted by RCH800 View Post

I own a HTC Evo and wanted to do the same thing as well, I ordered the Shift on Sunday and received it yesterday. I miss having a keyboard that I had on my HTC Touch Pro 2. When I opened it up and fired it up, within five minutes I put it back in box and returning it today. The keyboard feels cheap, the sliding screen is not spring loaded and you can push the volume rocker opening the screen to get to the keyboard. Also for some odd reason the slide made a squeaky noise like it was something you would find in a haunted house. I would say wait a bit, they should be announcing a HTC Evo2 I assume soon. As well they are bringing the WM7 phones to Sprint soon as well. If it WM7 is any good I might go back to it, if not I'll just wait for the next version of Evo. Just IMO.
I feel the same way man! Returning mine today for the Epic. Also contemplating the LG Optimus S in order so save some a good amount of dough.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2011, 10:34 PM
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Re: Evo Shift & Evo

I need good news people lol.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2011, 10:41 PM
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Re: Evo Shift & Evo

Whoops sorry okay. I'm thinking I need to keep the Shift now and give it another chance. Why? Because out of the box it's blazing fast! Epic can not touch it. Part of the reason I wanted to get rid of it is the battery life was abysmal for me. I didn't do the suggested hard reset and PRL+Profile sync upon receiving it. I was told this fixes the issue. This is a nice rule of thumb to do for any of the latest smart phones.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2011, 03:12 AM
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Re: Evo Shift & Evo

Battery life isn't very good for me either. I think the auto-brightness trends way too bright. It sure looks nice, but it's more than I need and right now (11pm) it says 84% of my battery usage has gone to the display. My battery level is at 30%. On my TP2 the battery would be at 70 or 80% remaining. Granted, I'm using the Shift more because it is actually not painful to use (nice and fast), but still...yikes. Going to try manual low brightness for awhile.

Why can't they put in a user-selectable baseline for auto-brightness so you can start dim and auto-adjust from there...doesn't seem like it would be all that hard to do.
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