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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2012, 09:25 PM
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[Q] No 4G, Watch Video


Watch the above youtube video, Look between 1:08 and 1:20 to know what i am talking about, in reference to the "4G!" symbol on the top left on the evo screen

i think my 4G antenna is not turning on? IDK help a brother out...i dont get any of the symbols, not even the one which says "4G antenna on"

Hey Fellas, i used Revolution to root my phone, i have since put many roms on my phone, the rom i currently have is shooter sense 3.0....i love the ROM its awesome, i am in a 4G coverage area and my 4G just says scanning but never connects, just says scannning, so i restored back to some stock rooted rom that i d/l online, 4g still doesnt work. so i then d/l the latest radio by Caulking or whatever, and still no 4G, just says scanning, oi am now back to the shooter sense 3.0 rom and still no 4G, and im in a 4G coverage area, how do i fix this?

Just used WiMAX RSa key checker, says my keys are there

Reset to factory RUU using the supersonic RUU utility, on the hboot screen it still says s-off and revolutionary at the top...Sole Conslusion is that this phone, per revolutionary CANNOT be unrooted, now that i have the bone stock rom on my evo, the 4G doesnt work, i know this because on the stock evo rom, while searching for 4g you get in the top left part of the screen it states "4G!" which means there is no 4G, well that little symbol is not on the top the screen in either my new rom or the stock rom, stating something is wrong with my 4G...i think i have a unique situation that i need to be fixed...and i cannot find a fix for this

just updated to a new rom, sinister Rom, with the aggressive freedom kernel, says 4G is scanning, still, so what i did, i went and downloaded a stock kernel and used it on my sinsiter Rom, then is said "4G not working" so i put the Freedom kernel back, and now it says 4G scanning, but still no "4G!" symbol in the top left....

oh and 4G mac acddress is good too, just checked it.
where do i go now? i've tried everything
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2012, 10:39 PM
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Re: [Q] No 4G, Watch Video

Moved to EVO 4g general forum.
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