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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2011, 01:46 AM
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Re: Is the EVO 4G scene dead?

Yeah I understand and want the newest cutting edge stuff myself, but if Sprint doesn't come out with anything all we have left is for Dev's to port Sense 3.0 ROM's over to the Evo, their are a few doing it but most have moved on to the 3D, which is understandable since the Evo has been out for over a year now.

Like some I'm not into the 3D either and like the Evo, yeah the 3D is faster but I don't care for the 3D part of it.

The Evo has had a long run in terms of technology as most jump ship as soon as something newer comes out, and I used to do that but have slowed down with the way the economy is these days and I'm grateful to those Dev's that have continued to develop for the Evo.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2011, 11:17 PM
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Re: Is the EVO 4G scene dead?

Originally Posted by Earmuffs View Post
Dude thanks for that, both those look FanFlipinTastic. Looks like you brought it, with a NEW CHEFand everything! I think I'm leaning towards EvolvedROM but could you tell me (I know I could google but I"m soooooo sick of it... just burnt out) What is God mode? I'm assuming Zeus mode is more of the same?

*EDIT* GodMode xda-developers - View Single Post - [ROM] Synergy - [RLS1+GodMode 08/05/2011] - Now With Warm Sprinkles! Guess I need to L.T.R. Still curious about Zeus Mode
To be honest I never tried GodMode or Zeus Mode and never even did research to see what they were as not all the Evo's can run those and some were having issues, probably some type of overclocking would be my guess, could try them out and see how they run on your phone and if you don't like it then just nandroid back to your last rom. I'm just running Synergy RLS1 with GoldenMonkey Kernel, SetCPU <245 min - 1152 max>, Spare Parts, Juice Defender on a HW 0004 Evo and don't have any issues.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2011, 11:07 PM
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Re: Is the EVO 4G scene dead?

Originally Posted by Earmuffs View Post
Does not seem any chefs are cooking with 4.53.651.1

i wouldn't say its dead, the evo4g is still a good phone but its well over a year old now. people have moved on. lots of good roms for it on xda and more so at rootzwiki.

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2011, 01:50 AM
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Re: Is the EVO 4G scene dead?

i'm ok with just prerooted stock roms coming out, i'll just delete the system apps that i don't want by hand. just makes things easier.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2011, 10:28 AM
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Re: Is the EVO 4G scene dead?

Its not dead. They are just waiting for the final build of Gingerbread and once ICS comes out there will be ports of that as well. Also some chefs are starting to add Sense 3.5 to roms(just hope they fix the 4g issues with that). So its not really dead, just delayed. Evo is still huge in the phone world.. Just took a minor backseat
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2011, 10:31 AM
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Re: Is the EVO 4G scene dead?

Originally Posted by kevmo1965 View Post
Most everyone has moved on. I'm not sold on the 3D, so I'll wait for the next big thing. LTE hopefully.

I think Sprint is going to EVDO Rev. B soon. Should be a lil faster but not LTE fast

Originally Posted by KIOWA69 View Post
To be honest I never tried GodMode or Zeus Mode and never even did research to see what they were as not all the Evo's can run those and some were having issues, probably some type of overclocking would be my guess, could try them out and see how they run on your phone and if you don't like it then just nandroid back to your last rom. I'm just running Synergy RLS1 with GoldenMonkey Kernel, SetCPU <245 min - 1152 max>, Spare Parts, Juice Defender on a HW 0004 Evo and don't have any issues.

i think GOD mode deals with I/O speed improvements
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 10-02-2011, 12:02 AM
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Re: Is the EVO 4G scene dead?

The decrease in support is the reason that I, like many others, are very disappointed with the EVO 4G. It's only been over a year, I would really expect more. I keep looking for new roms or updates both on XDA and here to no avail - I do not want to move to another phone just yet.

Enough with my rant.... I am using Smooth N Sexy and it's pretty decent. Check it out: [ROM]!!!!!(9-23-11) SNS Gingerbread v1.6,OTA 4.53 Sense, CIQ removed, Quick Settings - xda-developers
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 10-02-2011, 07:20 AM
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Re: Is the EVO 4G scene dead?

the obvious problem is that the people who make the roms are also the same people who are VERY into their phones, and want the newest shit going on, you know? so like, asking them to keep providing service for a phone they don't own... i don't think many want to bother. time is expensive. i'm not disappointed in my phone because people don't support it, i really don't mind customizing it myself, i just find it easier to flash the prerooted updates and greatly appreciate the people who upload them for me to make my life easier. i charge 50 bucks an hour so i appreciate the time people spend on things.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2011, 01:10 PM
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Talking Re: Is the EVO 4G scene dead?

Originally Posted by ou2mame View Post
the obvious problem is that the people who make the roms are also the same people who are VERY into their phones, and want the newest shit going on, you know? so like, asking them to keep providing service for a phone they don't own... i don't think many want to bother. time is expensive. i'm not disappointed in my phone because people don't support it, i really don't mind customizing it myself, i just find it easier to flash the prerooted updates and greatly appreciate the people who upload them for me to make my life easier. i charge 50 bucks an hour so i appreciate the time people spend on things.
You charge $50.00 an hour for what?
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2011, 05:34 PM
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Re: Is the EVO 4G scene dead?

oh i do graphic design and animation. i'm just saying, time is very valuable, and in my business its especially evident. when i price a project, its in time. there's no materials or anything 99% of the time, its all time based.
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