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Old 09-20-2011, 11:17 PM
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Re: Is the EVO 4G scene dead?

Originally Posted by Earmuffs View Post
Dude thanks for that, both those look FanFlipinTastic. Looks like you brought it, with a NEW CHEFand everything! I think I'm leaning towards EvolvedROM but could you tell me (I know I could google but I"m soooooo sick of it... just burnt out) What is God mode? I'm assuming Zeus mode is more of the same?

*EDIT* GodMode xda-developers - View Single Post - [ROM] Synergy - [RLS1+GodMode 08/05/2011] - Now With Warm Sprinkles! Guess I need to L.T.R. Still curious about Zeus Mode
To be honest I never tried GodMode or Zeus Mode and never even did research to see what they were as not all the Evo's can run those and some were having issues, probably some type of overclocking would be my guess, could try them out and see how they run on your phone and if you don't like it then just nandroid back to your last rom. I'm just running Synergy RLS1 with GoldenMonkey Kernel, SetCPU <245 min - 1152 max>, Spare Parts, Juice Defender on a HW 0004 Evo and don't have any issues.
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