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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-25-2011, 11:19 PM
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Re: kinda lost in restoring my phone from root

You can download and install rom manager, but scroll to the bottom of the program and install the alternate recovery which will be RA v2.3, it works better and is easier to use than ClockworkMod.

One thing I will suggest after rooting is to make an Nandroid back-up in case you want to revert to that and it will also back-up your wimax keys in case they get wiped, most importantly is the wimax keys because without those you are not going to get 4G and to my knowledge once they are gone, they are gone forever.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2011, 01:13 AM
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Re: kinda lost in restoring my phone from root

i honestly don't care about 4g. i live in long island, i doubt we are going to see 4g for at least 2 years, probably longer. its retarded. there's still areas where there is absolutely NO signal whatsoever, the entire northern strip of the west side of long island is a signal wasteland. its pathetic. i'm paying 10 bucks a month more for some bullshit service that i can't use. i know its been covered everywhere, but it still irks me. i used 4g once in the city to download a 15mb pdf. it was really fast. so thats the least of my concern. by the time they give me the coverage i'm paying for, i'll have a new phone lol
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