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Old 07-25-2011, 01:02 PM
chandlerbs's Avatar
Pocket PC: Evo 4G
Carrier: Sprint
Location: Indiana
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Recommendations and advice-OMJ User

Hello all,

I am a longtime follower of these forums and know just enough to be deadly to my phone.

I recently flashed the latest OMJ Rom (Thanks for all you do OMJ, I appreciate it)

BLUF: I have somehow lost root, and cannot restore any backups and or other previous ROMS (OMJ only). I managed to get a previous version of OMJ up and running but phone is barely functional and force closing almost all apps.

My question is this, would it be better to wipe and flash the latest completely stock rom (and what is the name of it) and the try to redo OMJ? I believe my problem is that I have thrown so many things in the phone that I have trashed it up (if you get my meaning)

I did not apply the sprint update before I flashed the latest OMJ.

Have no idea how I lost root priviledges, but both TI and Rom Manager say I have lost them.

Appreciate any help or advice anyone has.

Thanks in advance
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