Battery Completely Dead Phone Will Not Charge
Battery is completely dead and phone wont charge no matter what i do. When i plug it into USB it says drivers were not installed successfully Qualcomm CDMA Technologies MSM.
EDIT: I was using an extended battery it must have died all the way so that the phone didnt even know what to do when it was plugged in. I put in my old battery luckily it had about 20% remaining. My phone charges fine usb and on the wall now but i dont know what to do a bout the extended battery thats not working anymore...
anyone know if this was the batteries fault or the roms fault. Any way ican bring this extended battery back to life by installing some drivers. I just got it last week so itd be easier to fix it myself than just tell them that its busted.
[SOLVE] Just uninstall and reinstall HTC Sync on your computer the drivers will be there. No explanation as to why the wall charger wouldnt work though.
Last edited by Michaud85; 06-16-2011 at 02:38 PM.