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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2011, 11:47 PM
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This is more about the 3D than the 4g

It seems like a lot of Evo 4g users have expressed an interest in purchasing the Evo 3D so I decided to post my frustrations here. I guess it's more me being impatient than frustrated. I just saw this on phonescoop. I'm a little disappointed that T-Mobile will get a phone with the newest version of sense and a dual core processor (they already have a dual core android) and also 4g, before Sprint. It just seems like everyone is popping out all these high end droids and Sprint isn't. I guess a release date would pacify me (I know it's coming soon).
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2011, 11:53 PM
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Re: This is more about the 3D than the 4g

Originally Posted by jordant2 View Post
It seems like a lot of Evo 4g users have expressed an interest in purchasing the Evo 3D so I decided to post my frustrations here. I guess it's more me being impatient than frustrated. I just saw this on phonescoop. I'm a little disappointed that T-Mobile will get a phone with the newest version of sense and a dual core processor (they already have a dual core android) and also 4g, before Sprint. It just seems like everyone is popping out all these high end droids and Sprint isn't. I guess a release date would pacify me (I know it's coming soon).
I think June 24th is the date that has been leaked for the 3d. Rshack of course but I would guess Sprint would be either before or on that date.

HTC Evo3D launches June 24th at Radioshack – Android and Me
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2011, 12:08 AM
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Re: This is more about the 3D than the 4g

Now that looks like something concrete. I always wondered why these things are so secret. Shouldn't you put the word out early? I guess they have their reasons and their research behind it. It's like trying to figure out who your team is taking in the draft, lol.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2011, 02:19 AM
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Re: This is more about the 3D than the 4g

Dude the Evo 3D has dual core 1.2Ghz processor, and also has the newest sense UI. Sprint has been releasing other phones while these other carriers have been just focusing on new dual core/sense 3.0 devices. I really think Sprint is playing it smart...all these other companys are throwing phones on the market hoping they will sell on their poor coverage networks (tmobile/At&t). I plan on getting the Evo 3D in August and keeping my Evo 4G as a backup...atleast for now we have the Gingerbread update coming the 6th of this month...yaa!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2011, 03:19 AM
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Originally Posted by ChrisH09 View Post
Dude the Evo 3D has dual core 1.2Ghz processor, and also has the newest sense UI. Sprint has been releasing other phones while these other carriers have been just focusing on new dual core/sense 3.0 devices. I really think Sprint is playing it smart...all these other companys are throwing phones on the market hoping they will sell on their poor coverage networks (tmobile/At&t). I plan on getting the Evo 3D in August and keeping my Evo 4G as a backup...atleast for now we have the Gingerbread update coming the 6th of this month...yaa!
Check this out


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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2011, 10:09 AM
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Re: This is more about the 3D than the 4g

Well the phones tested still are not as powerful as the evo 3D and it is overclocked to 1.5GHz. I can only imagine the 3D overclocked!

I am also well aware of the stats on the 3D, my point is that another carrier has a same spec'd phone first. Minus the 3D of course. I don't really care about the 3D video though, just want the higher specs.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2011, 02:25 PM
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Re: This is more about the 3D than the 4g

These benchmarks are not accurate (especially quadrant) and don't show actual performance, plus the benchmarking apps are not optimized for dual-core on the stress test for the CPU,

Try this again with a CM7 ROM on the Evo3D OC to 1.5ghz when the benchmark apps are optimized with dual-core support and then let's see what they look like.
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