Wirelessly posted (Htc Arrive: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.4; en-us; Nexus S 4G Build/GRJ22) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)
That's weird, you might want to a ##rtn# which is a different type of factory reset and reset the provision. Is the bill in good standing? Not trying to be funny.
PPC: T-Mobile's G2x // LG-P999 [unlocked & rooted] + CyanogenMod 7.2
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Re: i cannot recive any calls anyone has this problem???
What in the hell is that are u going thru that too???
Re: i cannot recive any calls anyone has this problem???
Yes like a said i have 2 phone one started to do it the day b4 yesterday and the other 2day im so mad m goin to the store tomorrow
Re: i cannot recive any calls anyone has this problem???
can you receive texts on those phones? or is it just incoming calls?
dschoenike |
Re: i cannot recive any calls anyone has this problem???
I go through this constantly. The deal is that a couple of months ago we had a bad storm here and ever since that I have had the same issues that you are having, but when I go to make a phone call is when I'll get my voicemails and text messages, every time I call Sprint all they want to do is ##3282# and and update the phone, called a couple of days ago and I told them I was at the end and couldn't deal with it anymore, what do they do, sent me an airwave for free, cool huh, not so much, yeah I get a better signal now, but it still didn't fix my issue as it's been a few days since my last call and my phone is acting up again, don't really know what to do, I like sprint and there phones and the price of there plans but this issue has me very very frustrated.
Quote: You Can Run But You'll Just Die Tired!!!
Re: i cannot recive any calls anyone has this problem???
Are you rooted? If so, did you do a prl update? I had the same problem and called sprint. They told me to do the same thing, which didn't work. So, I also tried going to settings and doing a factory data reset from there. This resets everything! So, when you boot it back up it should do a hands free activation.
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