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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2011, 06:06 PM
butwhydoitalk2u's Avatar
Pocket PC: htc touch pro 2
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Re: 4g wifi tethering on wireless tether app

Still no 4g on wireless tether app, no matter what settings or version is used. 3g works great. I did notice something weird. When I do connect to the wireless tether app via 4g my laptop recognizes and connects like normal except there is no data transmitted. Here is the curve ball. Google and CNN websites work but I can only use the search feature. It will not work with anything else even on the websites I just found results for. Really odd. I can however use easy tether and use usb to tether 4g at the same location I have been trying to connect wirelessly.

I made changes to my phone again. I unrooted unrevoked forever and re rooted unrevoked 3. Maybe trying different options. So I am running rooted stock Rom now.
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