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Old 01-25-2011, 02:20 PM
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Exclamation Help!!.. need to restore

i have an evo that i rooted... and flashed clockworkmod.. newest.. then i tryied installing a sense HD Rom but it just installs the boot splash screen and after the animation its just a lit black screen... so i decided to flash RA recovery from Rom manager and i forgot to nand back up.. i flashed echoHD Rom and same thing it just booted the animation and thats it.. it dosnt load the Rom.. my main problem is that im trying to go back to stock because i forgot to backup.. but i dont know which pc36img.zip file to get... my phone is S-OFF, 2.10, android 2.2, and some 3.6 or 3.7 thing.. and version 003.. please help.. some one direct me to the .zip download to flash from recovery to go back to stock.. at least from there i can either root again if i loose it or install rom manager and restore from my previous restores.. oh yea.. i forgot to mention that.. i have 2 restore saved in my SD but from clockworkmod recovery.. and dont work when trying to restore with RA.. please help...
i downloaded this .zip... withh this one work?
Stock 3.30.651.2 PC36IMG.ZIP Format - xda-developers
Currently running *S3 ROM WM6.5 21892 HTC SENSE 2.5!!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2011, 08:16 PM
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Re: Help!!.. need to restore

Not sure where you are trying to go.
Here is a link to Sprint Lover's image. MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
It is a PC36IMG.zip file so all you have to do is get it to the root of your card and HBoot will find it and install it.

If you can get to recovery, then use that to install it. If you can get to recovery, change the name to something else like PC36IMGX.zip so that the HBoot installer won't try to install it. Then go into Recovery and Wipe cache, DalVikCache twice. Then do the Install from SDCard option and install that way.

Either way, this will get you to a very stable stock Rom.
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