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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2010, 07:50 PM
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Re: It's time to update the everything root in the sticky!

Im confused now.. I just got a new phone cause i had water damage in mines so do i ahve to go threw that long downgrade upgrade process that was lingering around back in August? im soo outta the loop and want a custom rom ASAP
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2010, 08:35 PM
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Originally Posted by illestd0tcom
Originally Posted by lkillen View Post
Since there is an obvious divergence that is probably not going to ever come back together, my recommend is a separate thread entirely. Lest we always be filtering out for pre- 004 and post-003 and all the confusion that will entail.
Agreed. A new thread specifically for 0003 and 0004 hardware would be appropriate. The old thread would be helpful for those with older hardwares.
Sounds like a winner. Update thread title regarding hardware version 1-2 maybe even kernel version.

Xda has an dev thread for newer evo. Kind of long and drawn out but most importantly many successful posted feedback.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2010, 10:55 PM
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Re: It's time to update the everything root in the sticky!

Originally Posted by stormseek View Post
Im confused now.. I just got a new phone cause i had water damage in mines so do i ahve to go threw that long downgrade upgrade process that was lingering around back in August? im soo outta the loop and want a custom rom ASAP
You have to find out your hardware version, software version, and hboot version before you proceed.

Hboot 2.02 use: [ROOT][GUIDE] HBoot 2.02 S-OFF - Like a Boss Edition! - Updated 11/20/10 - xda-developers

Software version 3.29.651.# or earlier use unrevoked

If you have hardware version 004 do alot of reading before you root and find the appropriate method. If you have hardware version 004 you probably have hboot 2.02 also so use that method. You will also have software version 3.30.651.# and cannot use unrevoked to root.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2010, 11:09 PM
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Re: It's time to update the everything root in the sticky!

Originally Posted by cruise350 View Post
You have to find out your hardware version, software version, and hboot version before you proceed.

Hboot 2.02 use: [ROOT][GUIDE] HBoot 2.02 S-OFF - Like a Boss Edition! - Updated 11/20/10 - xda-developers

Software version 3.29.651.# or earlier use unrevoked

If you have hardware version 004 do alot of reading before you root and find the appropriate method. If you have hardware version 004 you probably have hboot 2.02 also so use that method. You will also have software version 3.30.651.# and cannot use unrevoked to root.
I have HW V003 and SW V3.330 with HBOOT V2.02 and I can confirm that this worked for me
The writeup in the thread could not be more detailed
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2010, 01:46 AM
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Re: It's time to update the everything root in the sticky!

Originally Posted by illestd0tcom View Post
Agreed. A new thread specifically for 0003 and 0004 hardware would be appropriate. The old thread would be helpful for those with older hardwares.
It would not be appropriate as FastRX8 has already said you could forward information to him and he would update it. There is only going to be 1 thread about rooting / un-rooting, NAND, Flashing ROMS and Wiping and that thread already exists.



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Last edited by WarChild; 12-01-2010 at 01:48 AM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2010, 05:18 PM
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Re: It's time to update the everything root in the sticky!

this method has been giving me problems
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2010, 09:54 PM
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Re: It's time to update the everything root in the sticky!

One thread to root them all sounds good in "Lord of the Ringers" but will cause contunious confusion and ruin when these phones diverge too much. Already, I am preparing to call my phone a "legacy EVO". Haven't got a name for those new-fangle devices.

The reason I stress splitting out the threads is more for the Noobs. Then all you have to tell them is, if you have a legacy EVO, take the Blue Pill. If you have a 003 or later, take the Red Pill.

That is a lot better than saying, do part 2 of Hendricks rooting process but skip over section 4g though 5.2f unless your phone is list in 3A. But before you do that, be sure to go over the XDA and read OMJ's secret on...

See what I'm saying?
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2010, 12:17 AM
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Re: It's time to update the everything root in the sticky!

Ikillen - that's a funny post. I rooted my 002 Evo after reading RX8's thread a lot! I bought my wife a white Evo two weeks ago thinking of root all the way home.

Started going through the 'all root' guide and by chance I saw a hyperlink for newer Evo's, and click click click later I was deep into the 2.02 Hboot guide over at XDA. It took some time and reading catching myself up to date on why a new method was required, losing RSA keys, new camera hardware, etc.

Much more risk on flashing custom roms IMO right now for the 004 phones. So there's my long winded vote on having two threads. No reason for 004 phone owners to learn old ways to root old phones on the quest for the latest methods. Too much risk in bricking phones to pack it all together.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2010, 12:42 AM
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Re: It's time to update the everything root in the sticky!

Yeah, it is gonna get ugly in a hurry. We seasoned types pride ourselves in others being confused but I get paid for bringing the fire of the God's to the unwashed masses. I am a system's (business) analyst with the emphasize on "anal".

I am quite sure it is just a matter of time before a family member will be on a newer phone than mine. I am getting myself prepared for that, intellectually and emotionally.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2010, 12:11 PM
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Re: It's time to update the everything root in the sticky!

The 0004 hardware root method could easily have its OWN separate section WITHIN the existing root sticky. If done properly and written separately from the old hardware root method, the thread can be a "one stop" for rooting of all EVO's. Seriously just use good common sense and edit the thread title as well as keep the 0004 root method in It's own SEPARATE section of the thread with none of that jumping around back and forth, go here, then go there bs! That gets confusing to people. That part I completely agree is NOT the way to write a tutorial for beginners in the first place. Just work on inccorporting hardware 0004 device rooting instructions independent of the original root instructions in the same thread. Problem solved
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Last edited by tx_dbs_tx; 12-02-2010 at 12:15 PM.
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