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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2010, 12:58 PM
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WiFi/3G/4G connection problems?

Alright, first I love the phone, had it since launch, but have had a lot of problems recently. One, that brighter burn in light right around the B button on the keyboard has shown up, brought it to Sprint and they said "Never seen this before. Let me ask the techs but I doubt they'll do anything" As he brought it to the techs I went over to their floor model and sure enough, it too had this issue. He brings it back "Since it's cosmetic you have to send it to HTC to fix it. Should take about 2 weeks." Thanks... thought manufacturer's defects were covered under your warranty, Sprint?

Next I was flicking my kickstand in and out just as a nervous habit and now it won't stay in, I have to have it taped in. Anyone know a way to fix that? I think the spring is shot.

And finally, to go with the title of this thread, when I get home from work I turn on WiFi and turn of 3G. It finds my router and connects. It stays connected for a little while then when I turn it back on, it looks as if the WiFi connection isn't even on, doesn't show "Wireless Networks Available" (and yes, it does have Always on Data and the option where it never disconnects from WiFi unless I turn it off) and I have to turn WiFi on and off to get it to see anything. Very annoying. I then saw this problem switch over to the same issue with 3G as well as 4G. Isn't the point of always on data to always be connected and NOT having to restart your services?

I brought the internet issues up to Sprint and their best option? "Update the profile." I'm not 100% positive but I am pretty sure the profile has jack to do with WiFi (and it had been updated already.) I'm not rooted, and have nothing really installed on my system. I've even done a hard reset and still have these problems. Anyone have a solution that doesn't involve waiting two weeks for HTC to determine if there is a problem and then to fix it?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2010, 03:38 AM
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Re: WiFi/3G/4G connection problems?

As far as the radio problems you are right: updating the profile only updates the settings for the CDMA radio not the rest of them. It is possible that your phone is indeed defective. I would try flashing the newest radios just for giggles and see if it changes anything but I doubt it'd make any difference.
Some Samsung fold phone > Treo 600 > Treo 650 > Treo 700p > Treo 755p > HTC Touch Pro > HTC EVO

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2010, 08:28 AM
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Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-us; Sprint APA9292KT Build/FRF91) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

As far the 3g 4g wifi connection. I don't use wifi so I haven't experience anything of that nature.

Regarding the visual appearance of the device. Sprint isn't liable for such things. Carriers play as the middle man for warranty issuses, if the devices are found to be defective operationally wise. They can step back anytime and direct the consumer to who manufactured it. Hence its really warrantied by HTC.

I am sure many members here will have something say on the matters. Agree or disagree.
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