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Old 10-08-2010, 12:01 PM
searcher61's Avatar
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Could this affect EVO screens ?

Could this affect EVO's screens also? They are bigger and not gorilla glass. I was thinking about the cases
that have a lip around the front of the screen...When I take mine off I see gunk around the edge of the screen.

slip-on cases -- the kind that cover the back and sometimes front of the iPhone 4, have been the cause of serious cosmetic damage with the backside of the iPhone. Dirt and other loose bits of debris from your pocket end up in that space.

Over time, that can lead to a shattered backside as small scratches grow to become large cracks that travel across the back of the device, much like a ding on a windshield.

With Antennagate over, is Glassgate next for the iPhone 4? Originally published in the... - gdgt
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