Re: Anyones phone make weird noises..??
I cannot imagine anything producing a nose other than your speaker!! It sounds like their may be some IO posted to your speaker that is not fully processed. Are you stock, rooted, non-standard Rom? At worst, you could be shorted but I would hope for a logic problem.
Back on my HP 4700, my speaker began to degrade and was making clicking and scratching sounds before it crapped out altogether. Does the speaker play normal under all other conditions? The only other thing I can think of is the screen acting as a speaker. LCD votage is induced. There is a field across the surface. I guess if it is collapsing, it could make a crackle but I would also expect either a anomaly in touch response or in visual. I'd ride her hard and put her away wet. If it fails, use your insurance. |
Re: Anyones phone make weird noises..??
Yeah I'm rooted on VirusROM and all works well unless I notice that sound, and sometimes when I'm on the phone and get an SMS/MMS and the notification sound goes to play its crackled and distorted real bad... But when I play music at full volume it plays fine..?? lol FML..!!
Re: Anyones phone make weird noises..??
only when I answer it than the voices start
How to get a rooted stock 2.2 after 2.1 rollback *non OTA*
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=132555 |
Re: Anyones phone make weird noises..??
I had this issue, took off my case and noticed screen lifting. Had it replaced for a new one.