Originally Posted by abrigham
I'm sure there's a way to completely blow away Android and load something like Ubuntu... However (and I know you didn't want to hear this) why would you, unless you just want a 4.3" Linux Tablet that you can only use Wi-Fi on? Android is designed with phones in minds, Ubuntu is not. If you were to load Ubuntu you would likely lose all connectivity except for maybe W-Fi since you won't have extra layer of software to run CDMA/3G for phone calls and data. Not sure about Wi-Max, since newer kernels do have some built in support for it...
I'm not sure it would even be possible. Here's my thinking:
If i know linux (and i'm pretty sure i have a decent grasp on it) The way loading ubuntu works something like this:
1)Android is booted. This is standard procedure for turning on the phone. The bootloader fires up the kernel and they do their little dance.
2)You start ubuntu. The way this works is, as earlier stated, an image running on top of android.
3) You p0lay with ubuntu, get bored and reboot into android.
The way i'm assuming this works is to use the android os/kernel as an abstraction layer allowing for ubuntu to function. Without that, you'd literally not even have a working screen. Removing android from the phone would be very similar to having construction workers show up at a work site, gather all the materials to build something, and then never have the foreman show up to tell them what the hell they're building.