(1.)i have searched EVERYWHERE for this!!!! they talk about google sync but nobody explains the process, im about to flash the new 2.2 froyo rom and i really dont want to sit down and type in every contact again....(i have done this 3 times) if anyone can help i would appreciate it!
Also the thread im getting my rom from:
(2.)i installed the radio already, when i flash the rom do i go back and flash wimax or do i just have to put it on the sd card?
(3.) when i flash this new rom do i have to go through the steps that says wipe, and "Wipe Dalvik-cache" like i did when i rooted it? or can i just flash it without having to do any of that?(will i have to re-flash the radio when i do this?
Thanks again for everyones help! i feel like a nuisance im sorry