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Old 07-28-2010, 01:01 AM
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help un-partician my sd card please.

Before you ask why i will tell. I have 300 pics, the rest is phone stuff on an 8 gb card. I particianed my card for apps2sd and got nowhere. Titanium backup takes care of things just fine but everything else consumed my card. I don't even have one mp3. I have 6.68g avail on card after formatting to fat32. I want my card back. I have root and nand with omj blue 1.9 and can't answer my phone. Just want to go back to stock. Tired of flashing, hacking, and all other things that lead to bugs. I can deal with 3 hours on a charge before i can deal with not being able to answer phone and no space on a rather good size card just to back up phone. I have websites that back up phone.
Evo 3D (broke) waiting on htc one in mail
Galaxy N2
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2010, 02:56 AM
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Re: help un-partician my sd card please.

Originally Posted by jpwhre View Post
Before you ask why i will tell. I have 300 pics, the rest is phone stuff on an 8 gb card. I particianed my card for apps2sd and got nowhere. Titanium backup takes care of things just fine but everything else consumed my card. I don't even have one mp3. I have 6.68g avail on card after formatting to fat32. I want my card back. I have root and nand with omj blue 1.9 and can't answer my phone. Just want to go back to stock. Tired of flashing, hacking, and all other things that lead to bugs. I can deal with 3 hours on a charge before i can deal with not being able to answer phone and no space on a rather good size card just to back up phone. I have websites that back up phone.

Copy everything from your card (assuming apps2sd didn't work you don't need to worry about backing up your ext3 partition) then use recovery to partition your card again, choosing no ext3 partition. once done, boot back into android and copy everything back.
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