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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 05:18 PM
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The Mysterious nature of battery charging.

When I ordered my EVO one of many answers to questions I did not ask when I placed the order was that when I get the phone I can turn it on immediately and blah blah blah. Now that I got it, and I am on the phone to get the new phone to have my number and not the old one. They say to wait for it to fully charge before turning it on for the first time. I am making this post because I have heard a lot of different ideas on what to do about that initial charge/first time you turn on a new device and just wanted to see what people here thought.

Last edited by Ryum; 07-26-2010 at 05:34 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 05:33 PM
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I was told the battery was at half charge for setup and activation. After that fully charge to your delight.
Hit THANKS if I helped or made ya laugh!

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 06:30 PM
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Re: The Mysterious nature of battery charging.

Originally Posted by Ryum View Post
When I ordered my EVO one of many answers to questions I did not ask when I placed the order was that when I get the phone I can turn it on immediately and blah blah blah. Now that I got it, and I am on the phone to get the new phone to have my number and not the old one. They say to wait for it to fully charge before turning it on for the first time. I am making this post because I have heard a lot of different ideas on what to do about that initial charge/first time you turn on a new device and just wanted to see what people here thought.
Bro, you have nothing to worry about just use the phone.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2010, 04:48 PM
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Re: The Mysterious nature of battery charging.

Originally Posted by themuffinman View Post
Bro, you have nothing to worry about just use the phone.
Quoted from a well known website ---

"Initialize a new battery. New batteries should be fully charged before their first use to obtain maximum capacity. Nickel-based batteries should be charged for 16 hours initially and run through 2-4 full charge/full discharge cycles, while lithium ion batteries should be charged for about 5-6 hours. Ignore the phone telling you that the battery is full--this is normal but is not accurate if the battery is not initialized. #DO NOT fully discharge a lithium-ion battery! Unlike Ni-Cd batteries, lithium-ion batteries' life is shortened every time you fully discharge them. Instead, charge them when the battery meter shows one bar left. Lithium-ion batteries, like most rechargeable batteries have a set amount of chargers in them.:

So it is recommended that you full charge your phone's battery for atleast 5-6 hours even if the light on the phone is green. I've done this since Lithium Ion battery's began showing up in cell phones and other electronic devices...and I can tell you from experience I get very decent battery life. A lot of retail establishments don't notify you of this and tell you to use your phone right away...wrong. It's totally up to you what you want to do...but if you want your Evo to get a little bit more life out of the battery...I suggest doing this..

Last edited by ChrisH09; 07-27-2010 at 04:51 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2010, 04:52 PM
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Re: The Mysterious nature of battery charging.

Originally Posted by Ryum View Post
When I ordered my EVO one of many answers to questions I did not ask when I placed the order was that when I get the phone I can turn it on immediately and blah blah blah. Now that I got it, and I am on the phone to get the new phone to have my number and not the old one. They say to wait for it to fully charge before turning it on for the first time. I am making this post because I have heard a lot of different ideas on what to do about that initial charge/first time you turn on a new device and just wanted to see what people here thought.
They always say that. It's CYA on their part. Once you get the device, plug it in to the charger and you can do what needs being done to activate/charge it.

Just let it charge fully the first time. I tend to charge mine while I'm at work and at night at home.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2010, 06:36 PM
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Re: The Mysterious nature of battery charging.

Like I said, just use your phone when you get it(if you haven't gotten it already) just don't drain the battery all the way down.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2010, 04:57 AM
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Re: The Mysterious nature of battery charging.

I charged mine for 10 minutes, set it up and left the house with it. Gosh, it needed feeding a couple of hours later. I get around 6 hours of heavy use before feed time.
Another beautiful day in Paradise on the Leeward coast with a TP2 and Evo!
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