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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 07:49 PM
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Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 8.12; MSIEMobile6.0) Sprint T7380)

Do you put your phone in your pants pocket? Do you bend down with it in your pocket? If so thats where your stress cracks are coming from. The iphone is plastic with a metal antenna..thats it..if the Evo had that to what would you say? There is nothing special with the Iphone 4..apple just brain washes you to think its better.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 07:58 PM
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Re: Evo Quality

Originally Posted by NuLLKiLL View Post
Troll what's up? You always stir the pot like non else. If I had a job for a person who stirred the pot it would be you.

Troll how about this and I serious PM your number and I will call you at the time of your choosing and tell you everything you need to know about the EVO Iphone debate. I have been waiting for 3 years for something to come out to rival the Iphone and finally I am happy. As for build I have 5 lines and have 3 EVOs. I have had to replace one line, mine of course, 3 times for different issues. I will honestly answer all your questions! PM your number I will give you the unbiased facts and info on it.

For the rest of you Troll here had been debating getting an EVO or is an Iphone market research plant who post every last bad EVO thread but doesn't own one!
Actually, 3 years ago, the Mogul, and other phones, blew away the iPhone. The reasons are too numerous to try and list them all, but a few that come to mind are editing Office documents, taking (and emailing) video, Cut and Paste, etc. The iPhone has always been a step or a few behind, except for the ICI (Interactive Cartoon Interface).

I never even held one until a few days ago, when a friend handed me his while he climbed under his truck. The specs excluded it from being of any interest to me. I don't go look at flip phones either. And I'm not an Apple hater, per se, I have a Dual G4 Mac (not my primary computer), and have had several others, and did some early computer training almost 30 years ago on an Apple 2e.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 08:03 PM
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Re: Evo Quality

Originally Posted by WarChild View Post
I not really impressed with it to tell you the truth. I love the Evo dont get me wrong but I have cracks all over it for no reason and nether HTC nor Sprint will acknowledge the problem. Im not the only one having these issues ether. Had the same problem with the TP1 and the chrome cracking.
Well at least YOU can comment using logic and truth. Must people will refuse to accept nothing wrong about a recent puchase. Same thing happened on all the rest of the HTC ppc lineup. People got flustered for even a small comment like "Anyone unhappy with the Moguls lack of GPU or faulty GPS?" They take it all personal. Everyone should question the phones flaws and not bundle up in a fetus positing swearing its 10000000 time better than iphone.

Originally Posted by NuLLKiLL View Post
Troll what's up? You always stir the pot like non else. If I had a job for a person who stirred the pot it would be you.

Troll how about this and I serious PM your number and I will call you at the time of your choosing and tell you everything you need to know about the EVO Iphone debate. I have been waiting for 3 years for something to come out to rival the Iphone and finally I am happy. As for build I have 5 lines and have 3 EVOs. I have had to replace one line, mine of course, 3 times for different issues. I will honestly answer all your questions! PM your number I will give you the unbiased facts and info on it.

For the rest of you Troll here had been debating getting an EVO or is an Iphone market research plant who post every last bad EVO thread but doesn't own one!
Well thank you. I will take it as a personal compliment. If people like me did not exist, htc would still be releasing faulty GPU's and qvga screens with limited viewing angles. Lets be honest here and dont beat behind the bushes! As for a debate on how much better the Evo is compared to the Iphone, its not worth it. Really, why debate someone who swears the Evo is the Jesus phone even thou it lags on input and renders the image with a slight jitter to it. Why debate him/her when they refuse to even acknowledge any flaws due to the person being soo naive on how a product runs all for fanboism. Its like debating a baby. No matter what you point out, they will whine. But dont get me wrong, I would love to debate verbally thru a phone call but I can just imagine how offended you will get when I dare say "iphone!". In a way the people who own Evo are as bad as the isheeps. Look at the isheeps.... they will stand days in line to buy it and swear its the mother of all phones even if you cant make calls on it.

But I think we can all agree that the snapdragon CPU fails as bad as the iphone antennae. What makes me think that its a bad cpu? Simple, run the safari browser and run the Evo browser and pan around a website. You see the stuttering the Evo shows? Yes... thats called FAIL. And I am not alone on this. SOme people in here have returned it because they realize that it is in fact not a great phone. And now they all are waiting for the galaxy.

BTW. Its Mr. Troll to you!

Last edited by AndroidTroll; 07-24-2010 at 08:06 PM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 08:26 PM
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Re: Evo Quality

Common! Quite defending HTC for their poor quality devices! Thats why we never get a phone we can show off to iphone zombies! HTC always goes cheap! For the first time we finally have a 2nd option for a good PPC. And its the galaxy! 3 to 4 times more power than the EVO and OMLED display! Face it, just admit it! Evo is another cheap HTC phone.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 08:33 PM
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Re: Evo Quality

I think the "fanboy" issue some here may seem to have is just the sense of relief of getting away from WM. Notice how little is going on here, so soon after the release of the Evo? That's because it's so reliable compared to, say, the TP2. So much energy was wasted on "fixing" things. And sure, we'll have more thing to fix on the Evo's than people on iPhones do, because it's open-source, hackable, easy to mod, and this creates some issues. But I notice a month ago the forum had slowed a lot, because the Evo is so stable. And this despite the fact that it was the first Android device for most of us.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 08:43 PM
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Re: Evo Quality

Originally Posted by AndroidTroll View Post
Common! Quite defending HTC for their poor quality devices! Thats why we never get a phone we can show off to iphone zombies! HTC always goes cheap! For the first time we finally have a 2nd option for a good PPC. And its the galaxy! 3 to 4 times more power than the EVO and OMLED display! Face it, just admit it! Evo is another cheap HTC phone.
I was always challenging my iPhone friends to replicate things I could do on my TP2, and the Mogul before that. Or is this about gaming? That's not a world I live in, so maybe on that issue, you have a point. But for things business people do, the iPhone was always behind, crippled, or on some issues, totally dead by comparison.

The iPhone was weaker for a businessman than the Samsung i730, which I had when it came out in 2005 (I was with Verizon then, until some turkey at the store slammed texting onto my account, and I didn't catch it for a year or whatever, and they would only credit me 3 months worth of fees, despite the fact that I had ZERO texts in that time). The office people or associates could sent me a Word or Excel file to approve, I could edit it, and send it back. There was no reason in the world (my world) to even look at an iPhone. Then the Mogul blew it away, taking and sending video from the project.

To me, the phone I have is primarily a tool, not a toy. And the iPhone was never the best tool in the tool chest.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 08:47 PM
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Re: Evo Quality

best htc phone i have had. quality is better then the tp2 and tp.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 08:53 PM
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Re: Evo Quality

I have had my evo since launch day and have had no problems at all.
Also I have worked with phones all day long 5 days a week for the last 4 years. I see all the manufactures devices and deal with them constantly. The only phone of course that I am not too familiar with is of course the Iphone (Except recently I have been seeing a lot more people getting out of them into Evos and what not). I have probably owned every manufacturer and os, and I have to say HTC is my favorite by far. They are always on the leading edge. Now, have I seen some defective htc products? Absolutely, but way less than others. We sell these phones like never before still almost two months after launch, and it seems to be escalating. There have been less problems with this phone than any other phone I can think of and we sell tons more. I have to vouch for HTC here guys. I see so many ridiculous posts on here from people that seem have some alternate agenda like they are going to single handedly take down one company or another. We have problems with so many phones and this is by far not one of them. Lets hope the Epic is as solid as the EVo.

The Evo definitely does not feel cheap by any means compared to any other phone, different of course but not cheap.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 09:15 PM
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Re: Evo Quality

Originally Posted by NuLLKiLL View Post
I was willing to give you my experience with the phone. Faults and strengths. You don't want one so why do you come to this forum??? I don't get it? I'm not an apple fanboy I believe until the EVO their has not been a phone to compete with the Iphone. I was trying to help but you only want to try and make people mad. You have read the issues either you get one or not. I hope you don't cause I really don't want to read your stupid post about this or that. Burn troll burn...
For realz. I don't have an iphone so I don't go around complaining about it and its signal problems.
Kiss my grits
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 09:22 PM
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Re: Evo Quality

Evo has been rock solid for me. no cracks, screen issues etc. Obviously others have issues which is unfortunate and I hope HTC makes some adjustments on future shipments. My colleague at work has the iphone4 and we compared devices side by side. The build quality of the Iphone is top notch but not surprising to me. When testing out the browser, I noticed it was slower to internet fully rendering a page and slower to change from landscape to portrait. The resolution was amazing though. The thing we both took away from our little exchange was how large the evo screen is and how much more you can view on the screen. pinch and zoom was smoother on the iphone. So the Evo was quicker rendering pages, changing view, and had much more real estate to view. The iphone has a better screen resolution, and pinch and zoom. its all preference but I liked my Evo better overall.

@ androidtroll get the galaxy and be happy and if you dont own the evo.

Last edited by WarChild; 07-25-2010 at 01:23 PM. Reason: deleted off topic stuff
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