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Old 07-23-2010, 01:26 PM
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Boot Loop After Pushing File to System/App

I am running the latest Fresh ROM, I decided to install the detoxed white theme and the vanilla lockscreen. Everything was working fine but I wanted to get rid of the Vanilla LockScreen. I decided to push back the HTCLockScreen to system/app though adb, which I had to remove in the first place, thinking it will bring it back and get rid of the Vanilla one, but now after pushing it I reseted the phone and now I'm on a boot loop. Does anyone know a way I can fix this? Thanks!

Edit: I was able to fix my problem, I plugged my phone while on the boot loop and it was able to connect through adb, so I just deleted the HtcLockScreen.apk again and it booted.

Now those anyone know how I can go back to the HtcLockScreen and get rid of the Vanilla one? Thanks!

Edit: Got it all figure out, can a mod please delete this? Thanks.

Last edited by Mystery; 07-23-2010 at 02:20 PM.
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