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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 02:08 PM
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Re: Really HOT kickstand

Originally Posted by gator352 View Post
Like me, I told you mine didn't get hot. Yeah, I checked it and it gets a little warm after quite a bit of use. But so does a PC, Xbox, Wii, etc. I even gave you a possible fix which is to take it back if it bothers you. If it was a real issue, the dev's over at XDA would be all over it but apparently it's not. But what exactly are you wanting? A possible solution? OK....surround your kickstand with tinfoil. Or, have a spray bottle handy so when it gets hot, just spray it down with water.

I don't mean to come across as an ass....well yeah I do, but all themuffinman was saying is if doesn't cause a problem to you, then who cares. Our TP 1's used to get so hot, you could broil a butterball turkey on it. It's really hard to show sarcasm, emotion in text.

Also, think of this. Just about all components inside a phone give off heat. Some more than others. But an EVO has a 1Ghz proc, 512 ram, 1GB internal flash, radios, etc. which all give off heat. Heat travels the path least resistant which happens to be metal on metal. I'm sure the EVO has a heatshield to contain most but the heat has to go somewhere. In your case, and most, which happens to be the kickstand. And honestly, if YOU think it is of concern, Find out what app is constantly running and/or turn off all radios 1 by 1 to root out the cause. If that doesn't solve your problem, take it back. There is a 1 year warranty.

Read what I wrote, I was thanking you for actually responding positively. I was annoyed at the guy who was being nothing but negative and unhelpful.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 03:50 PM
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Re: Really HOT kickstand

Originally Posted by sanjsrik View Post

Read what I wrote, I was thanking you for actually responding positively. I was annoyed at the guy who was being nothing but negative and unhelpful.
Which guy was being negative.

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 07:37 PM
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Re: Really HOT kickstand

I'll admit that i didn't read ALL of what everyone said so far...but do you happen to have a case on the phone? I've noticed that before I recieved my Innocase Rugged combo the kickstand was alright, but after I put that sucker on, with just the Innocase II part on, the kickstand would get a bit warmer than usual. I'm thinking it could be that the heat from the battery is trying to get out but its trapped so it travels to the most conductive thing that it can find, the kickstand.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 07:51 PM
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Re: Really HOT kickstand

I noticed mine being hot a few times. Nothing for me to be worried about or thinking about taking it back! All the cell phones i had got hot at one point! Just so happens NOW the EVO has a metal kickstand that conducts heat.... BLAH!
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 07:52 PM
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Re: Really HOT kickstand

Originally Posted by Lacrosse View Post
I'll admit that i didn't read ALL of what everyone said so far...but do you happen to have a case on the phone? I've noticed that before I recieved my Innocase Rugged combo the kickstand was alright, but after I put that sucker on, with just the Innocase II part on, the kickstand would get a bit warmer than usual. I'm thinking it could be that the heat from the battery is trying to get out but its trapped so it travels to the most conductive thing that it can find, the kickstand.
I figured out something interesting since I'm doing an experiment. I bought this azmer case from Amazon:


Took off the back cover and am just using the front and back of this case by itself. The device is cool now. I am guessing that the back cover itself was not letting air get to the battery and things. I figure I'll try this experiment for a few days and see if I leave it this way.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 07:57 PM
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Re: Really HOT kickstand

My kickstand started getting hot the other day. I get this clicking sound on my camera and an error about sd card permissions. When that happens, the battery and kickstand both get hot.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 09:18 PM
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Re: Really HOT kickstand

If it is the case that the battery door and case is causing the additional heat buildup, i might see if i can get a spare battery cover and dremel some slots or a pattern or whatever in to it, the red battery would look pretty cool showing through the slots anyway =P
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 11:52 AM
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Re: Really HOT kickstand

My Kickstand does get warm/hotter if I have the phone charging while plugged into a charger and talking on the phone. Otherwise it stays at a normal temperature.
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Last edited by clockcycle; 07-13-2010 at 11:56 AM.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 07-31-2010, 12:38 PM
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Re: Really HOT kickstand

Originally Posted by gator352 View Post
I doubt the kickstand is actually used as a heatsink, but with HTC, anything is possible. If it's getting that hot, I would proceed to the nearest sprint dealer or a hose, which ever appears first. But no, my kickstand is always cold. Like my wife.
maybe you can get a free upgrade
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 07-31-2010, 06:27 PM
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Re: Really HOT kickstand

Originally Posted by gator352 View Post
Yeah, it's all good! We have a 9 month old and he is a pistol and we bicker back and forth. When she leaves for work, I text her telling her that I'm so miserable, It's almost as if she was here....
Ah.... young love. God I miss those days. NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOT!

After you're in it for 20 years, you'll be able to telepathically tell her that you hate her up to 5 miles away.

If you're miserable at 9 months, wait until the baby is 2. Complete pain the rear until 18, even then still.

What you guys need is a date night. Find somebody to sit with the little monster. Just you and your woman. Go out to eat, movie, few drinks, then get a room and (viagra if needed) and go at it like newleyweds. Then come home 5 or 6AM and you'll both feel a lot better.

Or you can get a hooker. Cheaper and easier.

Hooker. Go with the hooker. You'll feel better. AND! If you use a condom, you're not really bangin her.

Heat sinks. Wow! THe mind of HTC huh,.
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