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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2010, 03:36 PM
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SD card blank/unknown format

Hello, got my evo latest ota rooted and using OMJ's rom. At first everything was fine until i went to add a new boot animation/sound with root explorer. the boot animation went fine, but when I went to put the mp3 file in, I got the SD card blank error, since then i've removed the old one and gotten another 8 gig card I had lying around. I've tried to atleast make the old card readable in windows but no luck, nor have I seen anything useful searching here/google. Is the card done for then? Thanks.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2010, 04:22 PM
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Re: SD card blank/unknown format

Originally Posted by Qcom View Post
Hello, got my evo latest ota rooted and using OMJ's rom. At first everything was fine until i went to add a new boot animation/sound with root explorer. the boot animation went fine, but when I went to put the mp3 file in, I got the SD card blank error, since then i've removed the old one and gotten another 8 gig card I had lying around. I've tried to atleast make the old card readable in windows but no luck, nor have I seen anything useful searching here/google. Is the card done for then? Thanks.
Luckily (knocking on wood) I haven't had this problem, but it sounds like you're having the same issue Calkulin had in this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=695243. Hopefully that gets you up and going.

Edit: I should've read closer. You say the 8 gig card works? I think if you can't get the old one to read, you'll have to reformat it. There's also a way to scan it and have it checked for errors, similar to the scandisk program from older versions of windows. Try that, see if you can defrag it, any kind of disk tool BEFORE you decide to reformat it. Reformatting is your last resort because you'll lose all your data. If that doesn't work, then you card is kapooey.

Edit 2: One more thing, when I first bought my 16 gig card and put it in the phone, I had to format it from within the phone. It erases everything, but the card is readable once again.

Last edited by blockhead428; 07-09-2010 at 04:26 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2010, 04:51 PM
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Re: SD card blank/unknown format

I tried to format it within the phone first thing using SD & phone storage (there wasn't anything critical on there anyway), and nothing happened. It still had the same error. What i'm wondering is how in the world this could of happened. Also, I cant get the card to be recognized at all in windows, not in the normal drive letter sense anyway.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 09:35 PM
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Re: SD card blank/unknown format

I just had the same issue pop up with my sdcard... i took the sd out of my touch pro 2 and it works fine. The odd thing here is that the 8gig works fine once reformatted on the touch pro 2 but on the EVO it always says blank or unsupported filesystem...
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