MAJOR sync issues. Please Help!!!
Ok so heres my deal, When i plug my phone in, I hear it connect, the drivers installed but nothing. Right now i am running OMJ's 1.5 rom, I uninstalled htc sync reinstalled it,,, let the drivers install, said everything has connected correctly. But here is where the issue is. Normally when I connected the phone, On the phone the options would come up (charge only,snyc,disk drive, and ect. But now they do not come on anymore. USB debugging is on. Personally I think it is just a setting in the phone. I have copied what is showing on my PC, showing that the drivers are there, it is just not communicating via phone. Thank you in advance
Update, Looking at the PC again,,, I am seeing this, "UMBus Enumerator" and I have never seen this before, this could also be a problem. I also unchecked USB debugging, pluged phone back in to pc. Installed mass storage device driver, but still nothing on pc, weird.
Update 2: Ok so I recovered Windows 7 to the last know date that everything was working correctly, and I am getting the same thing. So I am positive now it is some setting in the phone. So I will give you what phone has done to it. I am rooted via Toast, and Nand unlocked. I am running clockwork recovery (newest) with OMJ 1.5, (I was running 1.6r) but went back due to 4g problems. Newest radio is installed, but it is just the radio, not the whole ota.
So I feel like, if I can get the connection "pop up" with the options to come up everything would work fine. I don't know just my 2 cents. Thank you for anyhelp
Last edited by rmig825; 07-04-2010 at 01:35 PM.