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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 04:10 PM
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Problem with 4G, full bars, no internet

Ok, I am sitting on the third floor of a motel 6 in s. baltimore. My evo says I have full 4G service.

sometimes, it works, great, sometimes, no data, no internet, nothing on dolphin browser, nothing on wifi tether, but, still reporting full signal.

Only way to get i-net working again, is to disable the 4G with widget and go back to good ole 3G..

What gives? Is 4G not working properly, or, does the tower I am connected to having internet issues? remember, my phone does this when the phone reports full 4G service!

I have not done the OTA and don't want to loose root. I understand the patched recovery OTA from Un-Revoked does not include the new wimax update. Why Not?

Would the new WiMax update fix some issues?

Now that 4G is available in Richmond, VA, and I travel through that alot, and I already travel in and around Raleigh, Greensboro, and Charlotte, NC.. I want my 4G..

I am hoping the OTA gets figured out with root.. or that unrevoked patched OTA will include the new radio update, and I think that could be beneficial.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 04:25 PM
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Re: Problem with 4G, full bars, no internet

it could still be in testing it that area
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 04:29 PM
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Re: Problem with 4G, full bars, no internet

Originally Posted by drksilenc View Post
it could still be in testing it that area
Baltimore was one of the first markets, if not THE first market for 4G from Sprint.. not just since EVO, but for quite some time when they started the whole 4G thing, data cards, overdrive, etc.

In Raleigh, NC.. Sprint/Clearmax partner with Time Warner.. not sure about in Baltimore.

I will see how my data acts in Raleigh when I am there next week.. I will stay in the city and pay the little more in hotel costs, just to get 4G, instead of the boonies on I95.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 09:15 PM
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Re: Problem with 4G, full bars, no internet

Originally Posted by mikldom View Post
Baltimore was one of the first markets, if not THE first market for 4G from Sprint.. not just since EVO, but for quite some time when they started the whole 4G thing, data cards, overdrive, etc.

In Raleigh, NC.. Sprint/Clearmax partner with Time Warner.. not sure about in Baltimore.

I will see how my data acts in Raleigh when I am there next week.. I will stay in the city and pay the little more in hotel costs, just to get 4G, instead of the boonies on I95.
Sounds like they are probably just testing the 4G. Is it officially available in your area yet?
Washington DC has had 4G unofficially for a while now but a few days ago I tried connecting and I had the same issue, could connect fine but got no internet at all, few days later I could get internet no problem. Just wait it out, it will probably be back up and running soon. I doubt its an issue with your Evo, so don't worry about that.
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