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Old 06-30-2010, 09:13 PM
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Problem with screen and stock messaging app.

So I updated my evo to the newly released update from sprint two days ago, so my phone is unrooted. Once I restored all my apps, contacts, sms, etc., I noticed that when i open the text messages app and select the first conversation with an unread message, the screen will actually open up the last conversation you can see on the screen, in this case the ninth conversation when I'm actually selecting the first one. I can actually see that last conversation being highlighted green when im clearly selecting the first one. It will do the same thing on landscape and will choose the last conversation that you can see on the screen, the fourth one. This does not happen all the time, but it does do it pretty often to bother me. Has this happen to anyone here? I tried a clear storage but that didn't fix it and as of now, there is no way to change the ROM so I'm stuck with these one, its great, just this problem that is bothering me.

Also i tried handcent sms and I just tried it for a few minutes to see if it was just the stock messaging app but it did it with handcent too, so it might bsomething with the screen. It's like the selection goes backwards like in those old wm Android ports, if anyone here knows what I'm talking about.
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