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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 07:17 PM
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Google Synce is deleting my contacts

So it's something wrong with the google sync right now, I keep gettin an error on my fone and it's deleted at least 2 contacts... i go to the site and i Have over 1000 contacts and I go to find duplicates and it's an error, is it just me????

Edit: so the website works now, but google but actin funny sometymes... i think I still deletes ccontacts some tymes
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Last edited by Ticklemepinks; 06-30-2010 at 07:21 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 09:17 PM
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Re: Google Synce is deleting my contacts

Originally Posted by Ticklemepinks View Post
So it's something wrong with the google sync right now, I keep gettin an error on my fone and it's deleted at least 2 contacts... i go to the site and i Have over 1000 contacts and I go to find duplicates and it's an error, is it just me????

Edit: so the website works now, but google but actin funny sometymes... i think I still deletes ccontacts some tymes
I am experiencing similar behavior.Half my google contacts have disappeared. I imported them again, im waiting to see what happens. i think sometimes there are dupes in the people contacts on the phone and maybe we delete them instinctively. Also there are contacts labeled "phone" and "Google". Not sure why, but this is definitely a little much for contact info. I just want my list of contacts and thats it. all this phone contact vs google contact vs facebook vs outlook.....come on now.

lets start a movement for 1 contacts list.
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