Re: Display Actual battery %
batterytime lite
How to get a rooted stock 2.2 after 2.1 rollback *non OTA*
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=132555 |
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does it create extra drain on your batteries ? some users claim it does in reviews.
Never Discuss Cheese Around a Mouse !
Re: Display Actual battery %
I use battery droid...use a widget on any screen.
I had suspicions that battery alarm drained the battery, no such suspicion with battery droid
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Re: Display Actual battery %
BatteryLifr is my choice. You can customize colors. Nice big icon, temp & mV are displayed as well. It takes up two spots though.
Re: Display Actual battery %
Gauge battery widget is my new favorite. I had batterylife for too long haha. Gauge has a new setup and its pretty cool.
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