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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2010, 08:10 AM
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Good morning peeps!

Does anyone know if you do a hard-reset after yesterday's OTA if it will revert back to stock without the new OTA?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2010, 08:17 AM
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zone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributions
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Re: Hard-Reset

You can't. It is permanently written to your device. You will have the same version after a hard reset. The bootloader has been updated. If you try installing the previous ROM it will tell you your bootloader is older and wont install. I have a feeling someone is working to be able to do that (restore to previous version). I feel some of use are a little upset that HTC removed the ability to boot directly into Android and want that function back. I did tell Sprint about that yesterday when I was talking to technical support about another issue they are having.


Last edited by zone23; 06-29-2010 at 08:25 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2010, 08:32 AM
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Re: Hard-Reset

I think I read that XDA had a way to unwind things, but haven't checked, since I didn't do the OTA.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2010, 08:37 AM
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zone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributions
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Re: Hard-Reset

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
I think I read that XDA had a way to unwind things, but haven't checked, since I didn't do the OTA.
Ya if they do then I'm going too, I want the android launcher back. Oh and I'm sure they will
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2010, 08:53 AM
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Re: Hard-Reset

I'm not sure if anyone else has had any issues with the battery life since this update, but seems to me that within 5 minutes off of the charger, my battery has discharged 5-7%. Previous to the update, the battery was doing WWAAAAYYY better than this. Someone had mentioned to me in a previous thread that performing a hard-reset (on the original ROM) would help with the battery life - which it did - for me.

Other than that, I haven't noticed any issues or hiccups with my OTA experience except that my screen (003 Epson) seems to be a bit snappier!

Sounds like to me that you guys have done a hard-reset then after yesterday's OTA!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2010, 08:58 AM
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Re: Hard-Reset

Yes I hard reset after the update. That will eliminate a lot of problems. As far as the battery goes you may just need to recalibrate it. Plug it in charge it up, turn it off charge it up, turn it on charge it up, etc, etc. Until the amber light turns green with in about 20 -30 seconds. I ignore the first drop of the battery. Coming from a TP2 it would drop 10% as soon as you unplugged it.
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