Originally Posted by carlosruizano
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I was wondering about this too. I don't want to root yet, but I want to change my launcher really bad. I like the grey one that you tap then brings up the menu. I feel like the stock one takes up too much space. Is there anything available in the market?
Do a search for Launcher in the market and several things will come up. The two most popular are Launcher Pro and ADW. I personally use Launcher Pro, and it's great. Has that Nexus one feel, with more functionality. And it has the 3D app drawer, as well as the app drawer fading in/out like the N1. ADW is fairly similar, but has a hidden menu under the app drawer launcher. I think you swipe up on it, and you are given 6+ icons, which can be accessed on any screen (last I checked). Launcher Pro has up to 15 on the bottom bar.
Like I said, there are others, but those are the ones I know the most about.