is it the evo or is it all android phones
sorta hating the dialer, since the hangup and call button are the same one. I would like them side by side since the screen is so sensitive you hit end call and the call button is right there so you may hit the call button after you hang up.
is this the htc dialer? or is there a dift dialer that can be used?
How to get a rooted stock 2.2 after 2.1 rollback *non OTA*
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Re: is it the evo or is it all android phones
Ditto... i am coming from phoneex on winmo and think the dialer on android is weak... i looked at dialer1 but it did not seem any better....
Anyone know of a better solution?
PPC: The Freakin EVO, nuff said...
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yea happens to me n is annoying
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