SetCPU ver. 1.6.0 saves me battery life!
I tried the earlier version of SetCPU (1.5.4) with the Nexus One settings and it really didn't feel like it was doing anything. After that I tried Overclock Widget and messed around with that for a couple of days and while it helped, it still didn't give me the results that others say they are getting.
The newest version of SetCPU automatically detects your cpu if you choose that setting and since installing this app, I have noticed an increase in battery performance. Check out the app in the market if you want (especially if you want to donate as this app is AWESOME!) Or follow this link to the xda developers thread and download there. I haven't used this app for more than an hour so hopefully this isn't a placebo, but it sure doesn't hurt to try it! http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=505419 Edit: You must be rooted to use this app and in order to even see this in the market.
HTC Touch Pro ------> HTC Touch Pro II ------>HTC Evo 4g
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Re: SetCPU ver. 1.6.0 saves me battery life!
Re: SetCPU ver. 1.6.0 saves me battery life!
Do you have profiles setup or just use it to set the min and max clock speeds?
At&t iPhone 8 Plus |
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30 hours is nuts.
Never Discuss Cheese Around a Mouse !
Last edited by dumpringz; 06-13-2010 at 08:15 PM. |
Re: SetCPU ver. 1.6.0 saves me battery life!
Well, over 6 hours of medium usage (couple of short phone calls, 1 hour of internet, gps location on, decent to minimal coverage, screen on automatic, 30 min of rink defense) I have 84% life left. By now before I would have lower than 50%.
Re: SetCPU ver. 1.6.0 saves me battery life!
I have profiles for under 20% set to under clock at 883mhz, and over 95 degrees to under clock at 883mhz, and also screen off to under clock at 245mhz.
Re: SetCPU ver. 1.6.0 saves me battery life!
has anyone compared results between overclockwidget and setcpu? im currently using overclockwidget.
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