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Old 06-10-2010, 09:55 AM
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Exchange not woring after rooting?

I rooted my EVO, everything went well I even got the wifi tethering to work, but for some reason I cant set up my exchange to sync my email. It gives me an error saying failed to connect to exchange server even though the setting are correct. Before I rooted exchange was working fine. Does anyone know a fix?
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Old 06-10-2010, 10:58 AM
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Re: Exchange not woring after rooting?

I can't say what's wrong, but I've rooted (still on 2.1) my device and Exchange is up an running.

I have to say the calendar support sucks though; it's good to look at my calendar but I'm not going to try and edit anything again... I'm hoping it's addressed in 2.2.
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Old 06-10-2010, 12:13 PM
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Re: Exchange not woring after rooting?

I have no probs w/ exchange, and I rooted using the unrevoked way. No issues at all!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 12:48 PM
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Re: Exchange not woring after rooting?

I rooted using the toast method and my exchange works correctly only issue was the password bug but the temporary work around works for me. Here is the work around copied from XDA
Originally Posted by TripFlex View Post

Here's what you have to do to get exchange server hooked up normally and not have a constant reboot!
Follow these steps and you will not have any problems.
1.) Hard reset your phone (VOLUME DOWN + POWER with the phone off)
You will have to go down to "CLEAR DATA", it will ask you to confirm.
2.) Let the phone reboot, everything will be erased. Setup your exchange and google account.

3.) Go to the market place and search for "No Lock". Download it. Install it. Run it.
4.) Press the middle button to make the phone no longer require a lock.
Voila! I just did this and it works perfect!
OP you might want to put this in the first thread you posted so other people know about it without having to go through all these pages.
The only issue I found with No Lock is sometimes after a reboot you have to restart the program to get your home/search key to work.
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