Former Winmo user neds Palringo alternative, any help?
Hi. Just got my Evo a few days ago and it's great. One problem is that it's no secret that the Android version of Palringo lacks everything that makes Palringo cool on every other platform. No voice chat/push to talk and no taking quick snapshots and sending them on the spot. According to the Palringo developers, this stuff is "coming soon" to the Android version but it's been "coming soon" since June of last year according to some google searches.
So what, if anything, are a lot of Android users using that does good voice chat that also works on Windows Mobile and the PC so that you can voice chat with friends on other platforms? Because right now, I'm really bummed at being faced with the choice of my deactivated but fairly new Touch Pro2 winmo phone with Palringo or my new Evo 4g without Palringo.
Is there something as good as Palringo for my Evo that has cross platform capability and hopefully lets you take and send a picture on the fly? I'm really hoping so, I get the feeling that the Palringo folks aren't too big on Android and that's where they and I disagree but yet I miss Palringo and my friends are annoyed that they can't reach me on their non Android phones. Thanks for any help.