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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 04:39 PM
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Transfering contacts from Samsung Instinct to EVO

Are there any EVO users who came from using the Samsung Instinct. I have a friend who had the Instinct and she just got her EVO yesterday and she isn't really smartphone savvy so I told her I'd come help her get a better grasp of the phone. She wants to transfer her contacts from the Instinct to her EVO and I tried looking it up online but I didn't find anything except something about Sprint Mobile sync on the Sprint website but I was not about to find that went I went to my account.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 04:43 PM
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Re: Transfering contacts from Samsung Instinct to EVO

Her best bet is to somehow get Sprint to get her a .csv of the contacts currently in her phone.

I had the Instinct when it first came out for about 1 month then it hit eBay. Sprint has an online site where the Instinct's contacts get pushed to. She can possibly reference this site and then extract a .csv. I am not sure if the site has the functionality to extract the .csv though.

Outside of getting a .csv for these contacts I do not know if there are many options at all but I do not think so. Once she has the .csv she will have to upload this file to her GMail contacts and then it will be synced with her phone once done.
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