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Old 06-05-2010, 10:43 PM
Biofall's Avatar
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Pocket PC: HTC TP, TP2, EVO 4G
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Question What's the Downside for Current Root?

I get my EVO from BB sometime next week (Rep said they heard rumors that previously thought 6-10 second-wave shipments might get in as early as monday for late pre-orderers like me) and I want to root as I used to be a WinMo ROM addict, but I keep seeing all this stuff pop up in threads about breaking 4G and marketplace. I live in Houston so 4G would work for me, and I want it. It's called the EVO 4G... Aaanyway, wanted to know what problems people are having with the root, and if the problems only come up if you flash a custom ROM, etc.. I'm perfectly happy with the stock ROM originally I'm sure, so if I just rooted, then did the recovery thing, what are the benefits/downsides? I'm sure that if I didn't root and accepted the OTA update another root will pop up, maybe even before I get my phone. And I don't want to flash custom ROM's yet because I don't want anything buggy with breaks like 4g, at least not when I first get it. So, respond please lol
The Device.... HTC Supersonic - EVO 4
The ROM....... Fresh 3.2 BETA with Froyo
The Theme.... Manup456 rEVOlution 1.1r2
The Kernel.... HTC Supersecret Supersonic 3.28.651.1 - unreleased OTA (thanks flipzmod!)
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  PPCGeeks > Android > Android HTC Devices > HTC Evo 4G

break, errors, root

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