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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2010, 04:17 AM
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Re: Rooting and Flashing EVO Instructions for super n00b's on PC's

ok i'm getting board tried it again same problem. I forgot to mention that it recieved the ota update on saturday. How long is it suppose to take? I grew impatiant after 7minutes this time and held the Pwr + vol. up. Now I have in a blue menu and below it in yellow E: Can't open /cache/recovery/command.
OPtion 2 says sdcard:update.zip however I rooted my phone with the unrevoked apk
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2010, 08:28 AM
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Re: Rooting and Flashing EVO Instructions for super n00b's on PC's

@Fast-Dammit! I go thru the trouble of, ya know, using my brain and stuff and kinda sorta figure out this root thing. Then here you are with this incredibly clear, concise, awesome post. You Sir, owe me a bottle of Excedrin Migraine.
Thank you! This is great, I'm ready to jump in now.

re: App2SD- There's a very good chance I'm wrong but I *think* that is a feature of Froyo. Just root or root and OMJ's ROM may not be enough?? Happy to be proven wrong on that.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2010, 08:42 AM
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Re: Rooting and Flashing EVO Instructions for super n00b's on PC's

Originally Posted by FastRX8 View Post
Sorry for the slow response. After rooting, you still get the message I believe. Honestly, I don't remember.

As far as I know, if you do accept the OTA update, you can still use the unrevoked site to root. I thought they made it so you can root even if you did the update.

Thanks for the reply... i didnt use unrevoked i used your method on page one. Should I still be getting the msg to install ota? if I do will it mess anything up?

Also, why dont i have the little ninja monkey? this is all i have that wasnt there b4 the root. (its the little blue and white # symbol)

when I click the # symbol this is what comes up... nothing.

is it normal for this to be blank? (ignore the bottom right thats just from the phone lagging a little when it rotated.)

(screen shots taken using shoot me its in the marketplace for free... check it out)

Last edited by jimmiekain; 06-07-2010 at 09:06 AM. Reason: forgot to add pics
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2010, 08:42 AM
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Re: Rooting and Flashing EVO Instructions for super n00b's on PC's

so anyone getting apps to save to and launch via storage card yet?
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2010, 09:09 AM
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Re: Rooting and Flashing EVO Instructions for super n00b's on PC's

Originally Posted by tool2269 View Post
so anyone getting apps to save to and launch via storage card yet?
i still havent figured it out... if anyone figures it out please pm me, send a smoke signal, carrier pigeon, singing telegram, somthing! please! I dont listen to music on my phone so not being able to install apps to sd defeats the purpose of getting a class 6 card with 8gb. (good thing i didnt go for the 16gb)
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2010, 11:35 AM
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Re: Rooting and Flashing EVO Instructions for super n00b's on PC's

Originally Posted by jimmiekain View Post

Thanks for the reply... i didnt use unrevoked i used your method on page one. Should I still be getting the msg to install ota? if I do will it mess anything up?

Also, why dont i have the little ninja monkey? this is all i have that wasnt there b4 the root. (its the little blue and white # symbol)
Yes, you will still get the OTA message. I get it too. I haven't installed it. I don't know what happens if you do. I was under the impression that unrevoked will root even after OTA. So I assume that if you accept the OTA, then you would need to
1 - Root again using a method that works w/ OTA
2 - Do all the other steps required if you want to install custom roms again (recovery, Nand backup, etc)
Also, there is a way to turn off that feature so it stops checking for the OTA. I did it when I first got my phone, but now I can't find it. Some setting somewhere needs to be changed to Manual check for updates.

The blue "Superuser Permissions" icon is exactly what you should see. Keep in mind I just learned about Android on Friday. I'm no expert by any means. As far as I know, you don't actually do anything w/ that icon other than open it to get info about what apps you've given access too.
If you try to do the wifi tethering using this app, wireless_tether_2_0_2-pre14.zip, which works flawlessly BTW, when you first start the wifi, it will ask if you want to grant permissions to the program. I selected "Always Allow" and now if I go to the Superuser Permissions icon, I see info about the wifi tethering app. I don't know what it means, but the info is there.

I don't know what the ninja monkey is? Are you referring to the icon for Advanced Task Killer? It's a free app in the store. Check their icon and let me know if that's it.

Originally Posted by tool2269 View Post
so anyone getting apps to save to and launch via storage card yet?
Originally Posted by jimmiekain View Post
i still havent figured it out... if anyone figures it out please pm me, send a smoke signal, carrier pigeon, singing telegram, somthing! please! I dont listen to music on my phone so not being able to install apps to sd defeats the purpose of getting a class 6 card with 8gb. (good thing i didnt go for the 16gb)
After doing a bunch of reading, I'm pretty sure that winmonewbie is right. Installing apps to the storage card is a Froyo thing (Android 2.2).
From my personal experience with custom roms on Windows, I tend to wait for a couple chef's to start using a build before I decide to try it. At least I know when it becomes popular most of the kinks are worked out. My "goto" chef is OMJ. I know he's new to Android, but the stuff he did to make my Touch and Touch Diamond last longer was amazing. He tends to error on the cautious side. So if he post a rom w/ Froyo, you can pretty much bet it's working very well.

The way things on are moving on the Evo, I'm sure any day now we'll start seeing several 2.2 roms. If you don't want to wait, you can install the existing Froyo rom they have on xda. I'm not sure what issues it has though.

BTW - If I throw up a smoke signal, I think you'll see it, looks like we're neighbors.
- RX8 -
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Last edited by FastRX8; 06-07-2010 at 01:13 PM.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2010, 01:18 PM
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Re: Rooting and Flashing EVO Instructions for super n00b's on PC's

Cool, so I see I can root even though I installed the OTA. I have a few text messages that I need to keep though.

Can anyone tell me how to backup my text messages so that I don't lose them when I root?

I am not even seeing a way to copy and paste them into a document or anything. Any Android vets know how I can go about saving them to the SD card, or emailing them somehow, or somehow sync them to the cloud, or even copy them to my computer?
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2010, 01:37 PM
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Re: Rooting and Flashing EVO Instructions for super n00b's on PC's

very nice tutorial FastRX8!!! you have it spelled out perfectly. I thought about making one for linux users, but it's a big can of worms.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2010, 01:43 PM
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Re: Rooting and Flashing EVO Instructions for super n00b's on PC's

what custom recovery are there that can be installed, i am rooted using flipz rom, but if i do the vol down and power i get the same recovery that i have to be connected to pc to use.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2010, 02:13 PM
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Re: Rooting and Flashing EVO Instructions for super n00b's on PC's

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Cool, so I see I can root even though I installed the OTA. I have a few text messages that I need to keep though.

Can anyone tell me how to backup my text messages so that I don't lose them when I root?

I am not even seeing a way to copy and paste them into a document or anything. Any Android vets know how I can go about saving them to the SD card, or emailing them somehow, or somehow sync them to the cloud, or even copy them to my computer?
There may be a better way but here is what i do. Fw them to a friend. Then have send them back to you.

Hope that helps
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